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16 articles
How do I change the font size on my calendar?
How do I add or remove the postcode from the appointments on my calendar?
How do I change the way I see clients’ names on my calendar?
How do I change the way I see treatment names on my calendar?
How do I flag if a client is new or repeat on my calendar?
How do I change the way I see appointment times on my calendar?
How do I flag if a payment or consultation form is outstanding for an appointment on my calendar?
How do I add a booking?
How do I cancel a booking?
How do I mark a booking as a no show?
How do I add a personal event?
How can I block time in my calendar?
How do I sync my Solo calendar to an external calendar?
How do I colour code treatments?
How do I zoom in on my calendar?
How do I change the date and time of an appointment in my calendar?