Employees can be granted one of three types of permissions:
Administrator - only granted to certain employees. By default, the first user in your SortScape site is granted administrator permissions.
Employee - every employee created is given "employee" permissions by default. Employees can access most areas of the site except for administrative settings.
Contractor - contractors are limited access to just job runs screen. They are unable to access other parts of the application ... just the visits for the day.
Restricted functions
The list below shows the functions that each role is allowed to perform:
View visits in job runs they are assigned to (cannot see ‘est value’ or phone number)
Mark visits complete
Add time and materials to visit (cannot see dollar values)
Upload images and attachments
No access – can only see properties on the job run
No access to contacts
No access
No access – can only see quote number on the visit
No access to invoices
Create new issues on visits
Edit issues
Mark issues complete from visits
Access administration area
No access
Employee (Same as Contractor plus...)
Add new visits
Edit visits
View daily/weekly/monthly schedule
Reschedule visits
Reorder visits
Browse all properties
Search properties
Add new properties
Edit properties
Upload images and attachments
Delete attachments
Search contacts
Add contacts
Edit contacts
View and update employee roster
No access – can only see quote number on the visit
No access to invoices
View all issues
Access administration area
No access
Administrator (Same as Employee plus...)
Delete visits
View "Est value" *
View the dollar value of Materials *
Deactivate/reactivate properties
Archive properties
Export properties
Archive contacts
Export contacts
Create new employees
Edit employee information
Deactivate/reactivate employees
Deactivate employees
Change employee permissions
Export employees
Note – employees can edit their own basic information like phone number and email address
Create quotes
View quotes
Create invoices
View invoices
Export issues
Access administration area (Only administrators have access)
General settings screen
Manage users screen
Manage visit settings screen
Time and materials settings screen
Customer notifications screen
Issue settings screen
Manage integrations with Xero and QuickBooks Online
* Note: By default, non-administrators cannot view financial information like the "Est value" of a visit or the dollar value of Materials.
Changing permissions for a user
To change permissions for an employee:
First log into SortScape as a user with the "administrator" role.
Click on the dropdown in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select "manage employees"
You will see a list of all employees.
In the "Permissions" column, click on the pencil for the user.
Select the role you want to give the user from the select box and click the "Update" button.