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Understanding Sites
Updated over a week ago

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A Site is the location where your office is or where you provide services to clients (and, if you’re a US-based agency doing EDI billing, the Service Rendering Provider). If you’re a smaller agency with a single location, this could mean you configure one Site in Penelope — however, if you’re a larger agency, you likely configure several Sites.

Site profile page

Workers, clients, and other types of records in Penelope are assigned to a Site. Site assignment essentially means that a Worker works out of a Site, a client usually attends appointments at a Site, an Event takes place at a Site, etc. Depending on how you configure Penelope, Workers and Clients can work out of or attend appointments at multiple Sites — however, each type of record is assigned to a primary Site.

Site assignment can affect the behavior of some processes in Penelope as well as access to data. You’ll find that several Security Class Settings are Site-based, and that you’re able to configure certain functions in Penelope to behave in certain ways based on Site.

Finally, the Site field is a filter for many reports and searches (when reporting on or search for data with an associated Site). For example, the Master Service Statistical Report includes both Event Site and Presenting Participant Individual Site as filters.

About Site Assignment and Access to Records

Sites are extremely important as multiple types of records in Penelope are assigned to a Site including:

  • Individuals (clients)

  • Workers

  • Events

  • Groups and Group Events

  • Resources

  • Financial data (Batches, EOBs, Payments, Deposits, and Credits). Printed copies of financial documents (invoices, receipts, etc.) can include Agency or Site location and contact information in the header

  • Site-specific Fees for Service Units (an optional configuration setting)

You can use Site assignment to build security or data access logic into Penelope. In the case of Workers, you can use the Site assignment mechanism to control access to data and records in Penelope. Several Security Class Settings, as well as other configuration settings in Penelope, are based on Site assignment. For example, you can implement the Restrict Worker by Site Security Class Setting to indicate that applicable Workers can only access records assigned to the same Site as them. This means that a Worker is assigned to Site A, they will only be able access Individuals, Events, Groups, etc. also assigned to Site A.

Worker Security Settings

  • Restrict Worker Suggest Lookup – Limit to current user site

  • Restrict Worker Search Results – Limit to current user site

  • Deny access to Workers from other sites

  • Restrict Master Agency Schedule to worker’s own site

  • Restrict Agency Events View to worker’s own site

  • Limit Access to other workers to current worker’s own site tree

Case and Service File Security Settings

  • Restrict Worker by Site

Event Security Settings

  • Restrict Reschedule to only Service Events at their own Site

  • Restrict Ability to Cancel only Service Events at their own Site

  • Restrict Workers to only Book other workers from their own Site

  • Restrict Workers to only Schedule Events at their Own Site

Other Site-Based Configuration Settings

Location of Setting in Penelope



Event Setup

Agency Event Page: Default to Event Site (Yes/No)

The Site filter on the Agency Events page will automatically be set to the logged in Worker's Site

Agency Event Page: Default to Worker Site (Yes/No)

The Worker Site filter on the Agency Events page will automatically be set to the logged in Worker's Site

Master Schedule Page: Default to Event Site (Yes/No)

When View By > Event is selected, The Event Site filter on the Master Schedule page will automatically be set to the logged in Worker's Site

Master Schedule Page: Default to Worker Site (Yes/No)

When View By > Worker is selected, the Availability Site filter on the Master Schedule page will automatically be set to the logged in Worker's Site

Default Site when booking Service Event:

  • Presenting Participant Site

  • Primary Worker Assigned Site

When booking a Service Event, the Event Site field will automatically be set to either the Service File Presenting Participant's assigned Site or the Service File Primary Worker's assigned Site.

Default Group List Filter by User’s Site (Yes/No)

If enabled, the Group List page will automatically be set to the logged in Worker's Site

Service File Setup

Service File Wizard: Default Availability Site to Worker Site (Yes/No)

If enabled, the Availability Site filter on the Service Wizard > Criteria tab will automatically be set to the logged in Worker's Site.

Service File Wizard: Default Event Site to Worker Site (Yes/No)

If enabled, the Event Site filter on the Service Wizard > Event Details tab will automatically be set to the logged in Worker's Site.

External Communications

Sender of confirmation

Include additional recipients on return of confirmation

On a Site page, you can override the setting used for the Sender of Confirmation and Include Additional Recipients on Return of Confirmation options.

Security Setup > Settings tab

Hide Site Name on Ext Comm.

If enabled, the Site name does not appear in External Communications (email or SMS sent outside of Penelope)

Site Trees

Throughout Penelope you will find an option to Include Site Tree where Site is available as a filter option.

Site filter with Include Site Tree option

When you configure a Site, you have the option to specify a Parent Site from your list of already configured Sites. When you specify a Parent Site, you create a hierarchical relationship (or tree) between your Sites in Penelope.

Include Site Tree filter is an option to include child Sites when searching for or reporting on a Parent Site.

About Adding and Configuring Sites

Depending on your needs, adding your Sites to Penelope can be as simple as filling in the built-in fields — however, there are there are several user defined fields available that you can configure to capture additional information about the Site. Penelope comes with the following data collection fields:

  • Parent Site (to specify hierarchy between your locations)

  • Place of Service code

  • Status (Active/Inactive)

  • Site Location Same as Agency (for EDI Loop 2310C – US only)

  • Contact Information (address, telephone, and fax number)

  • Hours of Operation

  • Site Closure dates

  • Bank Account

  • URLs

  • Client Confirmation Override

Many agencies find that the built-in fields in Penelope are sufficient for capturing the information they need about their locations — but, if you find that there’s more information you want to include on your Site profile, you can optionally configure these user defined fields:

  • 8 drop-down fields

  • 2 memo (long) text fields

  • 2 short text fields

User-defined fields for Sites

The user defined fields appears on a second tab on the Site page (under a tab you define the label for). Please see the Configure Site user defined fields topic for more information.

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