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Managing Your Worker Profile
Updated over a week ago

To find your Worker Profile go to your My Home page and click Worker Profile > View My Profile.

Editing Your Worker Profile

Follow the instructions below to edit your Worker Profile.

  1. Navigate to your My Home page.

  2. Click My Profile > View My Profile.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Edit the relevant fields. Note that some fields may be restricted based on your security settings. For more information on the fields see Worker Profile Reference.

  5. Click Save.

Edit Your Client Facing Worker Name

If ClientConnect is enabled for your agency this is the name clients will see when you are the Worker for a particular event or service.

  1. Navigate to your My Home page.

  2. Click My Profile > View My Profile.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Edit the Client Facing Worker Name in the text field.

  5. Click Save.

Edit Your Client Facing Profile Description

If ClientConnect is enabled for your agency this is the text that will display below your name in Client Connect when you are the Worker for a particular event or service.

  1. Navigate to My Profile > View My Profile.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Edit the Client Facing Profile Description in the text field.

  4. Click Save.

Creating a Workflow Task

Depending on your security permissions it may be possible to add a Task for yourself or someone else (e.g. you may need a colleague to complete a document).

For more information on adding a Task click here.

Clinical Tab

The Clinical tab on the Worker Profile allows you to enter your unique identification numbers (SSN, NPI, Rendering Provider Number, Rcopia User ID etc). This is where you can also mark whether or not you are accepting new clients, your assigned services, and Worker PINS.

To edit items on the Clinical tab click the edit button located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Enable Video Sessions from the Worker Profile

For a Worker to accept video sessions in ClientConnect, Accepting Video Session In ClientConnect must be enabled in the Worker’s Profile (Worker Profile > Clinical tab). This feature is only available in Penelope and above.

To enable video sessions, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Penelope and navigate to your Worker Profile.

  2. Click on the Clinical tab.

  3. Click on the edit button.

  4. Check the Accepting Video Session In ClientConnect checkbox.

  5. Click Save.

Enabling this field will also make the Video Session Link field available when booking events (i.e. Service Events, Indirect Events, Group Events and Informal Events) in Penelope.

Setting your Availability (Availability Tab)

For instructions on how to set your availability click here.

Worker Profile Reference

First Name

Worker First Name

Last Name

Worker Last Name


Active or Inactive. Set by the System Admin.

User Group

Set by System Administrator.


Job Title

Security Class

Security Class, as defined by the agency. Restricts access to settings, data and other Penelope functionality. Defined by the agency.

Reports To

Name of the Worker who the current worker reports to

Report Security Class

Restricts or limits access to predefined reports in Penelope.


Site location of the Worker


Unique Worker ID

Client Facing Worker Name

Name that clients will see in ClientConnect Portal if ClientConnect is enable for the agency

Client Facing Profile Description

Text that will appear beneath the Client Facing Worker Name in ClientConnect when ClientConnect is enabled for the agency.

Phone 1

Main phone number for the worker

Phone 2

Secondary phone number for the worker


Worker phone extension


Worker email

Use for MS Graph

When checked the 'Use for MS Graph' option will allow Penelope to synchronize with MS Exchange.


Worker's Address


Language(s) spoken by the worker

Last Login Date

Last Date the Worker Logged In

User Agent



Worker's IP

Login Credentials

User Name and Password Options. Can be restricted by the System Admin.

Personal Message Settings

Message settings as defined by the worker


Staff Categories as defined by the agency.

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