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Managing Worker Accounts
Updated over a month ago

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Penelope account passwords must meet minimum security requirements based on mathematical difficulty to crack rather than specific requirements (like a certain number of uppercase letters or symbols).

Passwords should include a mixture of lower and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols. You should combine the characters in such a way to create a lengthy password. When creating your password, Penelope will indicate whether or not the password is weak, strong or stronger. A password must be strong or stronger to meet requirements.

To manage Worker accounts in Penelope you must be logged in with a System Administrator account or a Super User account (someone with access to the Setup sidebar and the ability to create and modify Worker Profiles).

Unlocking User Accounts

A user account is locked when one of the following actions occur:

  • The user has 5 consecutive failed login attempts

  • The System Administrator or Super User sets or resets a user’s password and the user does not log in to the database within 3 days

System Administrator accounts will also lock after 5 failed login attempts. We highly recommend ensuring that you have either a second System Administrator account or a Superuser available with access to unlock and reset passwords.

Unlock a User Account from the User Account Maintenance Page

  1. Complete one of the following actions:

    1. If you are logged in as a System Administrator, in the User Setup section, click Security > Maintenance.

    2. If you are logged in as a Superuser, in the Setup sidebar, click User Accounts Maintenance.

  2. In the Locked Accounts section, choose one of the following options:

    1. To unlock all locked accounts, click Select All.

    2. To unlock a specific account, select the adjacent checkbox.

  3. Click Unlock.

After you finish: You can optionally reset the user’s password from the Worker Profile page following the directions in the Reset a user’s password topic below.

Unlock a Single User Account from the Worker Profile Page

  1. Browse to the Worker Profile whose account needs to be unlocked.

  2. In the Login Credentials section, click Unlock.

After you finish: You can optionally reset the user’s password from the Worker Profile page following the directions in the Reset a user’s password topic below.

Reset a User’s Password

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account or an Superuser account (defined as a non-admin with access to the Setup sidebar and the ability to create and modify Worker Profiles).

  1. Browse to the Worker Profile whose password you want to reset.

  2. In the Login Credentials section, click Change.

  3. Click the Change password

  4. Type a temporary password in both the New password and Retype New Password

  5. Click Save.

  6. Provide the temporary password to the user so that they can log in for the first time.

After you finish: The user will be prompted to change their password once they log in successfully with the temporary password.

Note: If the temporary password isn't changed in 7 days, the account will be locked and need to be unlocked using the Unlocking User Accounts topic above.

Change a Username

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account or an Superuser account (defined as someone with access to the Setup sidebar and the ability to create and modify Worker Profiles).

  1. Browse to the Worker Profile whose user name you want to change.

  2. In the Login Credentials section, enter a new User name.

  3. Click Save.

How often must Users/Workers change their Passwords

You can configure how often users must change their passwords in Penelope. Users will be prompted to create a new password to access Penelope after the specified period of time and each time a System Administrator resets their password. New passwords cannot be the same as the last 10 passwords.

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account.

  1. In the User Setup section, click Security.

  2. Click the Authentication

  3. Click Edit.

  4. In the Login settings section, in the Passwords must be changed every field, type how often (in days) that users must change their passwords.

  5. Click Save.

Force all Users/Workers to Reset their Password at Next Login

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account.

  1. In the User Setup section, click Security.

  2. Click the Maintenance

  3. In the All Penelope Users section, click Force Password Reset for All Users.

Force all Users/Workers to access Penelope using a 2-Step Login Method at Next Login

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account.

  1. In the User Setup section, click Security.

  2. Click the Maintenance

  3. In the All Penelope Users section, click Force Secure Login for All Users.

Accept or Reject an Email Address or SMS number

If you have configured the option to require an Admin to review trusted email addresses and/or SMS phone numbers, you must review the email addresses and SMS numbers listed in the Review Email or SMS section.

Prerequisite: You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account.

  1. In the User Setup section, click Security.

  2. Click the Maintenance

  3. In the Review Email and SMS section, choose one of the following options:To accept or reject all messages, click Select All.To accept or reject specific messages, select the adjacent checkbox.

  4. Click Accept or Reject as appropriate.

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