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Agency Profile Configuration
Updated over a year ago

The Profile tab includes configuration settings for basic information about your agency like your name, ID numbers, hours of operation, and closure dates.

Profile Settings Reference

Agency Profile page callout diagram





Agency Name

Your company or agency name.

The name you include here appears in the headings of printed reports, invoices, Documents, etc. (unless you've specified that Site information appear in financial documents).


Social Security Number (SSN)

For US-based agencies, your 9-digit Social Security Number. This number is used for EDI billing purpose.


Employer Identification Number (EIN)

For US-based agencies, your 9-digit Employee Identification Number. This number is used for EDI billing purpose.


National Provider ID (NPI)

For US-based agencies, your 10-digit National Provider ID. This number is used for EDI billing purpose.


Provider Taxonomy Code (TAX)

For US-based agencies, your 10-digit Taxonomy Code.


Fiscal End Month

The month your agency's fiscal year ends.

The month you choose here impacts some date-based filters such as those available when running reports or searching the database. Date-based filters include the option to filter by Fiscal Year-to-date, Current Fiscal Year, and Last Fiscal Year.

Contact Information

Addr. 1

Your agency's address. If you operate out of multiple sites, this is typically the address for your main or head office.

The information you include here appears in the headings of printed reports, invoices, Documents, etc. (unless you've specified that Site information appear in financial documents).

Note: If you are a US-based agency who will be using CMS or EDI billing, you should include the abbreviated version of your State name (for example, MA for Massachusetts).

Contact Information

Addr. 2

Contact Information


Contact Information


Contact Information


Contact Information

Zip/Postal/Post Code

Contact Information


Your agency's main phone number (typically the phone number you would include on your website on a Contact Us page).

The phone number you include here appears in the headings of printed reports, invoices, Documents, etc. (unless you've specified that Site information appear in financial documents).

Contact Information


Your agency's main fax number.

The fax number you include here appears in the headings of printed reports, invoices, Documents, etc. (unless you've specified that Site information appear in financial documents).

Contact Information


Your agency's main email address (typically a general email address used for informational purposes or what you include on your Contact Us page).

The email you include here appears in the headings of printed financial documents (unless you've specified that Site information appear instead).

Contact Information


Your agency's website.

Contact Information

Agency Hours of Operation

These are the hours your agency is generally open and they serve as a template for the hours at your Sites.

Newly created Sites automatically inherit the hours of operation you set here (which you can modify as needed). The hours of operation act as general guidelines for appointment booking. While you can book appointments outside of the hours of operation, a warning displays.

Contact Information

Agency Closures

These are days your agency closes throughout the year (for example, statutory holidays).

The dates you set here are applicable to all Sites (though you can customize specific closure dates on a per-Site basis)

Contact Information

EDI Reference Numbers Setup

For US-based agencies submitting EDI files only, EDI Reference Numbers are additional reference numbers required by a Funder or Clearinghouse in EDI submissions.

Review the Billing Configuration section for details about configuring EDI Reference Numbers.

Configure your General and Contact Information Settings

For details about specific fields in this topic, review the Profile settings reference table.

1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Profile tab.

2. Click Edit.

Edit view of Agency Profile Setup page

3. In the Agency Name field, type your company name.

4. If you are a US agency, fill in the ID (SSN, EIN, NPI, TAX) fields as applicable.

5. Choose your Fiscal End Month.

6. Enter your Contact Information. Tip: If you’re a US-based agency using CMS or EDI billing, ensure you enter your State name using the two-letter abbreviation.

7. Click Save.

Configure your general Agency Hours of Operation

Agency Hours of Operation are the days of the week you provide service along with your opening and closing times. The information you include in this section acts as a template for any subsequent Sites (locations) you configure. You can enter specific operational information for each Site.

Configure days of the Week you are Open

1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Profile tab > Agency Hours of Operation.

2. In the Day column, click a day of the week that you’re open.

Click a day of the week for hours of operation

3. In the In field, type the opening time for that day modifying the am/pm setting as needed.

Open day for Hours of Operation

4. In the Out field, type the closing time for that day modifying the am/pm setting as needed.

5. Click Save.

Repeat for additional days of the week.

Configure Days of the Week you are Closed

1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Profile tab > Agency Hours of Operation.

2. In the Day column, click a day of the week that you’re closed.

3. Enter identical In and Out times.

Open day for Hours of Operation

4. Click Save.

Repeat for additional days of the week.

Configure your Agency Closure dates

These are days your agency closes throughout the year (for example, statutory holidays). The dates you set here are applicable to all Sites (locations). If there is variability in the dates your agency closes based on Site, we recommend only including dates that are common to all Sites. You can configure Site-specific closures in the Site Setup section.


The closure dates you set are applicable to the specific year you choose (for example, a closure date for January 1, 2018 is applicable only for the 2018 year). You may consider adding a reminder to configure closure dates for future years.

1. Navigate to System Setup > Agency > Profile tab > Agency Closures.

2. Click Add.

Highlight of add option for Agency Closure Dates

3. In the Closure Date field, type a closure date or select from the calendar.

Edit screen for Agency Closure Dates

4. In the Description field, type a label for the date. For example, Family Day.

5. Click Save.

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