NDIS Registration Groups
Updated over a week ago

The Registration Group field is a user defined drop-down list that can be configured to group support items offered by your agency. The list of Registration Groups is set and maintained by NDIA.

Registration Groups are used to group support items that have similar quality and safeguarding requirements. The grouping of support items streamlines registration for your agency e.g. only Registration Groups relevant to your agency need to be registered.

For a list of currently available Registration Groups please contact NDIA directly.

Add an NDIS Registration Group

You must be logged in to Penelope using a System Administrator account to add Registration Groups.

1. In the System Setup section click NDIS.

2. In the Field Setup section click Registration Groups.

3. In the Active Values section click Add.

4. In the Value field type the name of the Registration Group.

5. Click Save.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for any additional Registration Groups.

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