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Recording DSS Case Level Data
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Submitting client records from Penelope to DSS requires the completion of both standard Penelope and DSS-specific data collection fields on the Individual Profile, Service File/Group and Service Event/Group Event.

DSS Case level data is submitted at the Service File and Group level in Penelope.

There are two steps involved in recording DSS Case level information in Penelope, both of which are completed at the Service File or Group level. These are:

  • General Service File or Group information – Completed once per Service File or Group.

  • DSS Member information – Completed for each member (Some fields can also be recorded or updated from the Individual Profile). Penelope synchronizes the data regardless of where it has been entered.

The presence or absence of specific fields depends on:

  • If your agency is not using the Partnership Approach or the client is not enrolled in a Partnership Approach based Case Service, the Reasons for Assistance, Referral Source and standard Partnership Approach fields are not required in your submissions and are therefore hidden.

  • If the client is not participating in a Family Law based program the DSS Parenting Agreement and DSS 60(I) Certificate fields are not required in your submissions and are therefore hidden.

Depending on your agency’s configuration some of the data fields shown in the images below may not be available in your Penelope database.

DSS Primary Outlet

These fields are available and applicable to all DSS programs.

Outlet: The Primary Outlet to be used when booking new events. The list of available Outlets is determined by your contract with DSS.

Address: The address fields for the chosen Outlet will be displayed once saved.

Total Count: Service Files – The total number of Service File Members. Groups – The total number of active Group Members and the default number of unidentified attendees (Non-identified are individuals who are present in the group but are not tracked as individuals within Penelope).

View Log By: By clicking this link you will be able to view the submission logs for the record.

Funding Period: The beginning and end dates for which funding is available for the service will be displayed once saved. The Funding Period is determined by your contract with DSS.

Family Law Programs

These fields are only available and applicable for Family Law programs.

DSS Parenting Agreement

Effective Date: The date the Parenting Agreement is effective for.

Outcome Code: The outcome code of the Parenting Agreement.

Use Legal Practitioner: Used to indicate if a legal practitioner was used in the process of obtaining a parenting agreement.

DSS 60I Certificate

Certificate Type: The applicable assessment code for the 60I certificate that was issued.

Issued Date: The date the 60I certificate was issued.

DSS Member Information

The follow DSS Member information fields are completed for each DSS Case (Service File/Group) member.

Reasons For Assistance: (Partnership Approach only) The primary and secondary reasons for service.

Referral Source: (Partnership Approach only) Who sent the member to receive services.

Participant Type: Whether the member is identified as a client or support person. Exit Reason Case: (CHSP only) The reason why the client exited a service.

Client identifying information: Name, DOB, Gender, Address.

DSS Client level data: General and Partnership Approach only data fields.

Case Status

The Case Status box shows general information about the DSS Case record (Service File or Group) and the submission status. You can also find the Mark Not For Submission tool in the Case Status box.

You will see a DSS Case for each Outlet Activity. If a client receives services at two separate Outlets (in different events), there will be a DSS Case for each Outlet. All events within a Service File for the same Outlet activity and funding period will be submitted as part of the same DSS case.

Activity: The Activity Type chosen for the Case Service.

Outlet: The Outlet chosen for the Service File or Group.

Case ID: The DSS Case ID.

Status: The submission status.

Close Case: This link closes the DSS Case in DEX (this does not close the Penelope Service File).

Mark Not For Submission: Option to indicate that the Service File or Group should not be submitted to DSS.

Adding/Updating Primary Outlet

To add or update a Primary Outlet for a Service File or Group follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to Service File or Group (DSS tab) and click Edit.

  2. From the Outlet drop-down select the default location for the client’s service.

  3. For Groups only – In the Non-identified Count field type the default number of non-identified clients who are likely to attend any client events.

  4. For Family Law Service Files only – Complete the DSS Parenting Agreement section if applicable to your clients.

  5. For Family Law Service Files only – Complete the DSS 60I Certificate section if applicable to your clients.

  6. Click Save.

After you click Save the address fields for the chosen Outlet and the total number of members (a sum of the Service File members and the non-identified attendees) will display.

Adding/Updating DSS Members

To add or update a DSS Members for a Service File or Group follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to Service File or Group (DSS tab).

  2. In the DSS Members section click Edit for the applicable Member.

  3. If you have enabled the Partnership Approach select the Reasons for Assistance. You can select multiple reasons but only a single primary reason.

  4. If you have enabled the Partnership Approach select a Referral Source.

  5. From the Participant Type drop down select if the DSS Case Member is a client or support person.

  6. If this is a CHSP based program – Select an Exit Reason.

  7. Ensure the following fields are complete and accurate for submission:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Date of Birth

    • Gender

    • Addr. 1, Addr. 2, Suburb, State, Post Code.

    • If Penelope is your Primary Information System; First Name, Last Name, Addr. 1, Addr. 2 will not be part of your submission but are still available for data collection.

  8. Complete or update the DSS Client level data fields shown on the screen. Depending on your configuration some of the fields shown in the example may be hidden:

    • If Penelope is your Primary Information System the Is Using Pseudonym? and Consent to Providing Details? fields are not required in your submissions and are therefore hidden.

    • If the client is not participating in a Family Law-based program the DSS Parenting Agreement and DSS 60(I) Certificate fields are not required in your submissions and are therefore hidden.

    • If the client is not participating in a CHSP based program the Accommodation Type, DVA Cart Status and Has Carer? fields are not required in your submissions and are therefore hidden.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Repeat steps 2 – 9 for all applicable Service File or Group members.

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