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Coverage Expiry List
Updated over a week ago

The Coverage Expiry List allows you to track which Individual’s (client’s) third party funding authorizations are nearing expiry. The authorizations maybe approaching an expiry date, dollar or unit limits.

To access the Coverage Expiry List:

  1. Navigate to your My Home page.

  2. Click Coverage Expiry List link in the Links (right hand side menu).

The Coverage Expiry List will open immediately.

Defaults and Filters

By default the Coverage Expiry List is set to View All meaning all clients with active third party coverage will be displayed. However, there are a number of filtering options available if required.

These filters include:

  • Viewing coverage with less than X units left

  • Viewing coverage with less than X days left

  • Viewing coverage with less than X dollars left

Searches can also be filtered by Funder, Policy Class and Policy Type – this can be configured to show only active coverages and you can also choose to turn the Fully Applied filter on or off. Fully Applied refers to coverages that have already been used up. These filters are cumulative.

Select the filter you would like to apply and click the Go button to see your results.

The results will be displayed in different columns showing links to the policy and issuer and will also display the Authorization number and calculated fields.

  • For Unit Limits, the fields display the limit, the number invoiced, pending, total and the remaining units

  • For Dollar Limits, the fields display the limit, the amount invoiced, pending, total and the remaining dollar amount

  • For Date Limits, the fields display the start date, end date, days elapsed, total and remaining

Note: You may use these filters in combination with the filters explained below to really get a detailed view of coverage use at your agency.

To go to an Individual (client’s) policy page click their name in the Policy Holder column. You can also get to the Funder Profile page by clicking on the Funder name as well as see authorization details by clicking on the authorization name.

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