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Coverage Maintenance Page
Updated over 12 months ago

In this article

The Coverage Maintenance page can be accessed from your My Home page (Links sidebar > Coverage Maintenance) and shows third-party coverage information for your agency.

You can search by one or more of the following:

  • Funder

  • Policy Class

  • Policy Type

  • Site

  • Date range

There is also the option to include the following criteria in your search results:

  • Inactive policies

  • Unit, date or dollar limits (or all of the above) when viewing the information

  • Coverage ended before the date

  • Coverage ended after the date

By clicking the Number of Holders for a particular result you will be taken to the relevant Policy Setup page.

Making a Coverage Inactive

To make a Coverage inactive:

  1. Navigate to the Coverage Maintenance page.

  2. Search for the Coverage.

  3. Check the box beside the Funder name and click the Mark Inactive option.

Rolling Over a Coverage

To roll over coverage (i.e. to automatically renew the coverage for the exact same terms/limits):

  1. Navigate to the Coverage Maintenance page.

  2. Search for the Coverage.

  3. Check the box beside the appropriate Funder name.

  4. Click the Roll Over option.

Rolling over a Coverage means the new coverage will kick in on the day after the current terms expire. The roll over feature can be used if the Funder in question does not require a reauthorization number to renew coverage.

What does Re-Authorizing a Coverage do?

Re-authorizing a coverage will renew the terms/limits within the existing date period (e.g. if the original policy is from the 1st of January 2019 until the 31st December 2019 then the new coverage will have the same terms/limits but will still expire on the 31st December 2019 -including any unused units/dollars- even if it was re-authorized on the 1st October 2019).

You can only re-authorize a coverage once, so if you need to reauthorize it again you will need to re-authorize the new coverage and not the original coverage. It is also possible to edit any existing policy limits/dates if required.

When re-authorizing a coverage, the new coverage will use any existing authorization number as part of the coverage number. If no authorization number has been used in the original coverage then a coverage number will be automatically assigned. This number can be changed if required by clicking the edit link in the top right-hand corner of the page.

Re-Authorize a Coverage (Public/Private Policy)

To re-authorize a Public Policy Coverage (i.e. to automatically renew the coverage for the same terms/limits within the dates of the current coverage period):

  1. Navigate to the Policy Coverage page. The easiest way to access this page is by navigating to the Individual Profile, Policy tab and clicking applicable Coverage ID (see below).

  2. Then click re-authorize on the applicable coverage.

It is also possible to re-authorize a coverage by clicking the policy name in step 1 and then clicking the applicable re-authorize link.

Re-Authorize a Coverage (Group Policy)

To re-authorize a Group Policy Coverage (i.e. to automatically renew the coverage for the same terms/limits within the dates of the current coverage period):

  1. Navigate to the Funder page. The easiest way to do this is by searching for the Funder.

  2. Click Group Policy Setup.

  3. Select the Policy.

  4. Then click re-authorize on the applicable coverage.

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