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Coverage Page
Updated over a week ago

The Coverage View page can be accessed by clicking the Coverage View link in the Billing Information sidebar of the Case, Service File or Service Event page. Here you will see a list of available coverages/policies for a given Case, Service File or Service Event.


The Coverage View link found in the Billing Information section of the Case page will display a list of coverages available for a particular Case member.

The Case File Coverage page provides a snapshot of available coverages. In the coverage section you will see the coverage date range, coverage usage and any coverage limits. An example of coverage usage might be Unit 2.00/10.00 in this area. This indicates that the coverage has a limit of 10 units and 2 units have already been used.

The following breadcrumb links are also available:

  • Case name – Clicking the Case name will take you back to the client’s Case page.

  • Funder – Clicking the Funder will take you to the Funder page.

  • Coverage name – Clicking the Coverage name will take you to the Coverage page.

Service File

The Coverage View link found in the Billing Information section of the Service File page will display a list of coverages available to a particular client in a given Service File.

The Service File Coverage page provides a snapshot of available coverages. In the coverage section you will see the coverage date range, coverage usage and any coverage limits. An example of coverage usage might be Unit 2.00/10.00 in this area. This indicates that the coverage has a limit of 10 units and 2 units have already been used.

The following breadcrumb links are also available:

  • Case name – Clicking the Case name will take you back to the client’s Case page.

  • Funder – Clicking the Funder will take you to the Funder page.

  • Coverage name – Clicking the Coverage name will take you to the Coverage page.

Policies not listed in the Service File Billing Sequence or coverages with exhausted limits will still be listed here with an explanation as to why the coverage cannot be viewed.

You can edit the Billing Sequence from this page by clicking the Edit Sequence link in the Billing Information sidebar on the right-hand side of the page.

Service Event

The Coverage View link found in the Billing Information section of the Service Event page will display a list of coverages available to a particular client in a given Service Event.

The Event Coverage page provides a snapshot of available coverages for a particular client in a Service Event. In the coverage section you will see the coverage date range, coverage usage and any coverage limits. An example of Coverage usage might be Unit 2.00/10.00 in this area. This indicates that the Coverage has a limit of 10 units and 2 units have already been used.

The following breadcrumb links are also available:

  • Case name – Clicking the Case name will take you back to the client’s Case page.

  • Funder – Clicking the Funder will take you to the Funder page.

  • Coverage name – Clicking the Coverage name will take you to the Coverage page.

Policies not in the Service Event Billing Sequence or policies with exhausted limits will still be listed here with an explanation of why coverage cannot be viewed.

You can edit the Billing Sequence from this page by clicking the Edit Sequence link in the Billing Information sidebar on the right-hand side of the page.

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