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Paying with PayPal in ClientConnect
Updated over a week ago

Clients can make payments from the following locations in ClientConnect:

How to Make a Payment from an Event

To make a payment or pre-payment from the Event page follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to ClientConnect using the URL provided by your Service Provider.

  2. Click the Calendar tile on the home screen.

  3. On the Upcoming tab scroll down to the event you want to pay and click the date.

  4. Click Pay your Event Balance.

  5. A new window will open (outside of ClientConnect) to complete your payment. This payment can be a pre-payment or a balance payment.

  6. Enter your Card Number, Expiry Date and CSV as required

  7. Click Pay Now.

  8. A payment confirmation page will appear. Your account will be updated accordingly.

  9. You will now need to return to ClientConnect and refresh your browser to see the updated balance.

How to Make a Payment from your My Account

To make a pre-payment or to pay your balance from the My Account (My Balance) page follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to ClientConnect using the URL provided by your Service Provider.

  2. Click the My Account tile on the home screen.

  3. On the Event Balance tab click Pay My Balance (i.e. full balance of all outstanding invoices) or Pay For My Next Unpaid Event (i.e. pre-payment).

  4. A new window will open (outside of ClientConnect) to complete your payment. If there are no upcoming events the Pay For My Next Unpaid Event button will be disabled.

  5. Enter your Card Number, Expiry Date and CSV as required

  6. Click Pay Now.

  7. A payment confirmation page will appear. Your account will be updated accordingly.

  8. You will now need to return to ClientConnect and refresh your browser to see the updated balance.

How to Make a Payment from My Account Invoices

To pay an invoice from the My Account (Invoices) tab follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to ClientConnect using the URL provided by your Service Provider.

  2. Click the My Account tile on the home screen.

  3. On the Invoices tab scroll down and click the invoice you would like to pay.

  4. On the Invoice page click Pay This Invoice.

  5. A new window will open (outside of ClientConnect) to complete your payment.

  6. Enter your Card Number, Expiry Date and CSV as required

  7. Click Pay Now.

  8. A payment confirmation page will appear. Your account will be updated accordingly.

  9. You will now need to return to ClientConnect and refresh your browser to see the updated balance. Your account will be updated accordingly.

Payment Provider Information

Please note that although these instructions refer to PayPal, the process is similar for all payment providers.

*Alternative search term – Client Connect.

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