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About the Intake Wizard
Updated over 3 years ago

The Intake Wizard allows you to quickly add a new client to Penelope while still collecting necessary contact, demographic, referral and preliminary Case information. At the same time, the Intake Wizard will automatically create the Case.

Although there are several standard components to the Intake Wizard, your agency also has the ability to customize the types of information and questions collected. Keep this in mind while reviewing training and help materials as your Intake Wizard is likely to look a bit different to the images you see in our tutorials, guides and help material.

If you notice questions or sections that are not part of your agency’s Intake Wizard, you can most likely skip ahead to the next part. Always be sure to consult your agency’s Penelope System Administrators and/or Superusers to confirm the exact requirements of your internal processes.

Depending on how your agency configured the Intake Wizard, you may be asked to input information about your client on the following screens:

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