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Resource Utilization Report
Updated over a week ago

The Resource Utilization Report (accessed from the Reference page) provides a list of resource usage based on event date/time, resource (e.g. Counselling Room 1, Car 10, Projector 4) and type of resource (e.g. room, vehicle, audiovisual equipment).

To access the Reference Utilization Report, login into Bonterra using an Intake-Mgmt or Admin Executive account.

  1. From your My Home page navigate to the Links sidebar.

  2. Click Reference (usually the last item in the list).

  3. In the Resources section click Resource Utilization Report (highlighted in red below).

Example Resource Utilization Report

For More Information on Standard Reports

There are more than 130 standard reports available in Penelope. These can be used to report on your client demographics, Funders, Group Classes, scheduling, staff productivity, program details, billing/accounts, Documents, assessments and much more.

For more information on Standard Reports click here.

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