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What are GM Superlatives?
Mandycore the Manticore avatar
Written by Mandycore the Manticore
Updated over a week ago

What is a GM Superlative?

GM Superlatives are tags that Players can give a GM when they leave a review to say what they think their GM is great at. Players can select up to 3 Superlatives when they leave a review.

What are the different GM Superlatives?

There are 10 different GM Superlatives a Player can select for their GM. These GM Superlatives are:

  • Allows for player creativity

  • Inclusive/Safe

  • Knows the Rules

  • Rule of Cool

  • Sets the mood (Soundscapes & Music)

  • Terrific Story Teller

  • Good for beginners

  • Incredible Visual Aids

  • Amazing & fun voices

  • World Builder

Where does a Player give GM Superlatives?

Players give GM Superlatives when they leave a review for their GM.

How do GM Superlatives show up on the website?

GM Superlatives are shown on a GM's profile in the Player reviews section, above the most recent Player review. Only the top 3 GM Superlatives a GM has received from reviews will show up on the page.

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