Moving Checklist

Learn how to move customers from your previous system easily

Updated over a week ago

We'll discuss a bespoke plan during onboarding to help you move your customers across in a timely fashion. The items below give a good overview of what's involved.

Import customers

Fill out the customer import template and return it to us. We'll upload this customer information into Stora to help speed up subscription creation.

Pin Imports

If you use an automated entry system that Stora integrates with, we can import the existing Pins used by your customers for access.

Alter Invoices to include Vat/Tax numbers or other details

You can edit your invoice template to include your VAT or tax numbers. You can also include information in the memo section such as bank transfer details.

Create prices

Pricing is set in Stora against each unit type. You may have customers paying a variety of prices for the same unit type. These prices can be created to be used during the subscription creation process.

Creating subscriptions

The process can vary depending on how your business operates which will be discussed during onboarding.

A popular method to move customers across is to create their subscription to email an invoice. Once paid via card, they're automatically enrolled to autopay each month.

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