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StructShare Settings Guide
Written by Noam Karoly
Updated over a week ago


Understand the ideal setting configuration for your team.


Getting started on a new software system can be challenging and even overwhelming at times. Taking the time to understand the settings available in StructShare will empower you and your team to get started on the right foot and actualize value more efficiently!

Things to Consider

  • Permission Requirements- Only ‘System Admins’ are able to make changes to the settings in your StructShare instance.


  • Business Information

  • Suppliers Information

  • Users & Permissions

  • System Settings

  • Accounting System

  • Procore Settings (for Procore integrated customers)

Business Information

In this section, you can customize your company information. This information will appear on the orders and associated PDFs that you generate in StructShare.

  • Company Name - Your Company Name.

  • Billing Address - This is the address suppliers will use to send invoices.

  • Suite # - Your company office suite number (if relevant).

  • Logo - Add your company logo to this section. It will appear on your PDF exports.

  • Billing Contact Name - The person at your company responsible for handling invoices.

  • Billing Phone - The billing contact’s phone number.

  • Billing Email - The email address used to collect invoices from suppliers.

Suppliers Information

This section will display all of the available suppliers in your StructShare instance and will allow you to edit existing Suppliers and Supplier Contacts and create new ones.

  • Add a supplier manually by clicking the plus icon (+).

  • Upload suppliers by clicking the cloud button (arrow pointing up).

  • Download your supplier list by clicking the cloud button (arrow pointing down).

Users & Permissions

This section will display all of the available users in your StructShare instance and will allow you to edit existing users and create new ones.

  • Add users manually by clicking the plus icon (+).

  • Upload users by clicking the cloud button (arrow pointing up).

  • Download your user list by clicking the cloud button (arrow pointing down).

  • You can also resend invitations to users from this screen.

System Settings

This section will allow you to configure some important settings that will impact how the StructShare system functions for your company.

Please note that you can hover over any setting to gain more information about it.

  • Enable Custom PO/RFQ - Add a custom PO # field to the information page.

  • Use the Custom PO/RFQ as a Primary PO# - Your custom # will be the primary PO number displayed on Orders

    • Mandatory will require that a Custom PO/RFQ is entered prior to creation

  • Hide Inventory Flow - Hide how much inventory is in stock from mobile users.

  • Sync Job# as a prefix for PO# to Procore - This will sync the Job Number entered in StructShare as the Prefix for all PO Numbers sent to Procore for Procore integrated customers.

  • Sync Invoices and POs to Procore in Draft Status - Enabling this setting at the PO and/or Invoice level will sync the PO and/or Invoice to Procore in a 'Draft' status.

    • Please note that when syncing an Invoice to Procore, the PO must be in an 'Approved' status before StructShare will allow you to sync an invoice. An Invoice must be in an 'Approved' status before the invoice can be sent to your ERP from Procore.

  • Auto sync vendors from Procore - This will automatically add any new vendors that were added to the Procore system and sync them to StructShare for Procore integrated customers.

  • Default Project settings for PO counting when creating a new Project:

    • Serial PO counting company-wide across all projects - If this is enabled, the default setting for PO counting will be set company wide across all Projects.

      • Start PO counting from - is the number that the POs will start counting from (for all projects, company-wide) after this setting is enabled.

      • Add the ‘Job Number’ as a Prefix for the PO number - Will add the Job Number as a Prefix to all POs when counting POs company-wide across all projects.

    • Separate PO counting per project with Job# - Add the Job Number in front of each PO # so that every PO Number in your system is Project specific.

      • Set as default counting from - This will define the PO number that each PO starts from at the Project level

      • Set a default prefix for PO# - This will allow you to define a Prefix for all Job Specific PO numbers. This can be in addition to the Job Number as the PO Prefix.

  • Default Delivery Date - This will be the default delivery date that is defined on all orders created in StructShare. The date can always be adjusted in the checkout screen during order creation.

  • Default Delivery Address - This is the Default 'Ship To' location for all orders created in StructShare. The Default Delivery Address can always be adjusted in the checkout screen during order creation.

  • Default General Notes - Any text entered into the 'Default General Notes' box will populate into the 'General Notes' section on all orders created in StructShare. The character limit for this box is 300.​

  • Open StructShare’s supplier network for RFQ’s - Receive quotes from other suppliers in our network.

  • Hide PO’s from invoice matching - StructShare will hide POs that have already been matched to an invoice in the 'Invoices' screen PO dropdown.

  • Match Invoice By PO Number- When StructShare parses the Invoice, it will search for a match based on the parsed PO #.

  • Delivery confirmation of matched PO - If this setting is enabled, StructShare will mark the PO as 'Fully Delivered' once the invoice is matched to the PO and approved.

  • When Approving an Invoice

    • Require Billed Quantities Approval- Billed quantities need to be entered to approve the invoice. The approved billed quantities dollar amount will reflect in the 'Total Amount' field in the single invoice screen.

    • The PO will be Considered Fully Billed - The PO will be 'Fully Billed' when an invoice is matched and approved to a PO.

    • Approve the Parsed/Manually Entered Total Amount with Billed Quantities The billed quantities need to be entered to approve the invoice but the parsed/manually entered 'Total Amount' will reflect on the single invoice screen in the 'Total Amount' field regardless of the approved billed quantities.

    • Approve Parsed/Manually Entered Invoices without Billed Quantities - The PO will be 'Fully Billed' when an invoice is matched and approved to a PO. The Parsed/manually entered total amount is reflected in the 'Total Amount' field vs. the billed quantities.

  • Send invoice PDF to email upon approval - This setting only applies to customers integrated with Viewpoint Spectrum. When an Invoice is approved, the Invoice PDF will be sent to the email entered.

  • Alert Purchasing when PO item is Missing Prices - A yellow alert box will appear during the 'Create Your List' part of the order creation when an item you are requesting/ordering does not have a price.

  • Uncheck ‘Send with Prices’ in the checkout screen by default- You have the ability to send a RFQ or PO with or without Prices. If you enable this setting, your RFQs and POs will be sent to Suppliers without pricing by default.

  • Alert purchasing when PO items are missing cost codes- A yellow alert box will appear during the 'Create Your List' part of the order creation when an item you are requesting/ordering does not have a 'Cost Code'.

  • Copy Me on Supplier Emails - The user that is logged in ('Me') will be copied on all supplier communication based on the level of permissions set.

  • Require signature for delivery confirmation- When confirming delivery of an order in StructShare, a signature will be required to proceed.

  • Require attachment when confirming delivery- When confirming delivery of an order, an attachment (e.g. Packing Slip, picture of the boxes, etc.) will be required to proceed.

  • Choose System Currency- The currency symbol that is displayed throughout StructShare.

  • StructShare Catalog - Coming soon.

  • Choose a Default Catalog- When creating a request or order in StructShare, this will set the default Catalog that your users can select materials from after the Project and/or Supplier selection is made. If this setting is left as is, the selection will default to your Company Items Database (Items DB). Options include:

    • Project Catalog (BoM)

    • Supplier Catalog

  • Hide Category labels from the item names- If you have your Categories as part of your Item Name in the 'Items DB', enabling this setting will hide the categories as part of the item name when sending orders to your Suppliers.

  • Show Project Number next to Project Name- Enabling this setting will show the Project Number, next to the Project Name in the 'Orders' and 'History' screens.

  • Show items search results by item code first - Enabling this setting will allow you to search for an item and see the 'Search Keyword' prior to the Item Name.

  • Automatically attach Item’s files from BOM and catalog to the PO- If an item exists in the BoM or Catalog with a file attached, this file will automatically be added when the item is selected during order request and creation if this setting is enabled.

  • Export Flow:

    • QB: By Cost Codes

    • QB: By Item Names

    • QB: By Matched Line Items Cost Codes

    • QB: By Invoice Total as the Item Name

    • QB: By Cost Codes in the 'Items' Tab

    • Acumatica: By Cost Codes with Phases in the 'Items' Tab

    • Foundation: Invoices Export

  • Date Format - The Date format that is displayed throughout StructShare.

  • Populate Company Catalog Price when Ordering from Supplier Catalogs - Enabling this setting will populate the 'Price' of an item based on the item price in the 'Items DB' when that item is connected to an item in a 'Supplier Catalog'.

  • Disable free-text input in order creation- This will turn off the 'Free Text' capability for all users, on all order types regardless of permission.

  • Merge identical items in the supplier PDF and Emails - Ensure the supplier will receive item entries as one aggregated line regardless of Phase.

  • Tax

    • Use Total tax percentage for PO - Adds a total tax percentage to all Orders.

    • Use tax code per line item - Add multiple 'Tax Codes' that can be assigned per line item in all Orders.

Manage Budget Categories- Add or Import your Budget Categories

Manage PO Default Files - Add a default file that will be added as an additional attachment on all POs sent through StructShare e.g. Terms and Conditions

Manage Tax Codes- Add or Import your Tax Codes.

Manage PDF Columns- Select the default columns that will display on PDFs sent to your suppliers.

  • Line No., Item Name, Unit of Measure and Quantity are required.

Catalog Categories- Import, Add and Edit Item Database Categories.

Accounting System

This section will house the accounting information you import from your ERP system including Suppliers, Projects and Cost Codes and Budget Categories.

  • Click to Add or Upload an Excel file to import your data.

Procore Settings

If syncing your StructShare system with Procore, you can bring over Projects, (Internal) Users, Suppliers, Cost Codes and Cost Types and Budget Categories.

  • A Procore Admin can login to connect your Procore instance with StructShare to seamlessly integrate your data.


Contact Support:

  • Live Chat with Support through StructShare:

    • Click on ‘Talk to Support’ on the left side of your screen.

  • Email Support:

  • Call Support:

    • ‪(512) 222-3716‬

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