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Create a Rental Order in StructShare
Written by Noam Karoly
Updated over a week ago


Create a Rental Order in StructShare


In StructShare, you can create a Rental Order with your suppliers, and even with your warehouse! Rental Orders function very similarly to traditional Material Orders, with a key difference being the ability to track that the Rental Order was also ‘Returned’ back to the provider.

Things to Consider

  • Required Permissions:

    • Submit to Suppliers’ access is required to create a Rental Order.

  • Request a Rental:

    • Users can request a rental in the same way that they request jobsite materials. These requests can then be converted to an actual Rental Order given the permissions described above.


  1. Click on the dropdown next the ‘Material Request’ button and select ‘Rental Order’.

  2. Select which project the rental is need on.

  3. Select the supplier or warehouse you wish to secure the rental from.

  4. Select the rented material from your item database

    • You may also leverage the ‘Use as Entered’ option if no record of the rental exists currently.

  5. Track the quantities of the rental:

    • Quantity on a Rental Order can be used to measure the quantity of rented equipment, or it can be used to track the duration of time that a Rental Order will be in use on the jobsite.

      1. To get more information on this, we recommend you reach out to your StructShare point of contact directly!

  6. Press back into your Shopping Cart once all of the necessary rented items have been added.

  7. Click ‘Continue’.

  8. Add any necessary delivery information. Ensure that the ‘action’ shown at the top is labeled as a ‘Rental Order’.

  9. Press ‘Place Order’.


Contact Support:

  • Live Chat with Support through StructShare:

    • Click on ‘Talk to Support’ on the left side of your screen.

  • Email Support:

  • Call Support:

    • ‪(512) 222-3716‬

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