How to Use Additional Fields with Surfe?
Are you prospecting and need to add additional information directly to your CRM?
You can easily do that from LinkedIn or Sales Navigator at the contact, lead, or company level.
Customize your view for Additional Fields (this view will be visible to all users), and start updating your data directly. The fields will be set up uniformly for all users and will remain consistent at the contact, lead, or company level. You won’t need to remap them each time—once set, they stay in place.
No more switching tabs or going into your CRM—do it all directly from the contact, lead, or company profiles on LinkedIn and Sales Navigator.
Examples of fields where you can use Additional Fields
Languages, Source, Industry – All with multi-choice type fields.
Connection Date, Last Integration Date – All with date type fields.
What fields can we add in Additional Fields?
You can add various field types such as multiple choice, date, and text. However, please note that only text-type fields are accepted in the Fields Mapping section of your Surfe Dashboard.