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Active Features in My Surfe Account
Updated over 3 months ago

Need to Review or Deactivate Some Surfe Features?

All users have full control over which features are available to your entire company, and you can manage everything from the Surfe Dashboard.

To make changes, go to your Surfe Dashboard -> Settings -> Features.

In the Company Settings section, you'll see a list of available features that you can toggle on or off as needed.

In this section, you can decide whether your team should use emai/ mobilel enrichment and if Surfe should automatically sync your messages between LinkedIn/Sales Navigator and your CRM.

Don't hesitate to visit your Features section after you download the Surfe extension to make sure that all of the features you want to use with us are activated.

As an admin, you also have the ability to restrict certain features to paid users.


If you activate or deactivate certain features, it will impact all users under your company account.

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