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Cancel Membership

How to cancel your Tailored Tutors Membership.

JJ avatar
Written by JJ
Updated over 2 weeks ago

You can cancel your Membership any time.

If you cancel, you'll still keep access for the remainder of your billing period—so you can cancel any time during your billing period without stress (there's no need to wait until the last minute).

If you've cancelled your Membership, you will automatically lose access after your billing period ends—you'll know this has happened when you can no longer access your course.

Steps to cancel your Membership:

Step 1. Log in to your course.

Step 2. Click on your name in the top right hand corner of your course screen.

Step 3. Click "Cancel Subscription"

Step 4. Choose your cancellation reason & give us feedback on the course.

IMPORTANT: Your Membership is NOT cancelled yet!

Step 5. After you fill out the form, select the Membership you want to cancel and actually cancel it.

Cancellation form not working?

P.S. You can resubscribe again anytime!

As long as you resubscribe with the same email address as before, your course progress and confidence tracking data is kept—so you can pick right back up where you left off.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to restart a Membership.

Are you stuck? Contact Us!

Send us a message in the chat OR send us an email

Note: We can't cancel your Membership for you.

But we can answer your questions and help you get unstuck.

P.S. Are you trying to change your Membership instead of cancel it?

You can change your Membership at any time

P.P.S. Do you have feedback to share with us about why you're cancelling?

Send us a message in the chat OR email

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