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Pause or Freeze a School

What does it mean if a school says action needed, paused, or frozen?

Updated over 3 months ago

Sharing and unsharing schools with TalkingPoints is common during transition periods such as end of the year to summer school, the beginning of a new year, or when a school closes down. To ensure that TalkingPoints has the most up to date data for your staff to use, take action and let us know if a school should be active, paused, or frozen.


School is part of active nightly sync (Clever, ClassLink, TP Connector) or part of last data upload (.csv partners).

Action Needed

A school that was previously syncing with TalkingPoints did not appear in the nightly sync either due to an issue or intentional disconnect. Indicates that partner needs to mark school as paused, freeze it or leave it and contact support if this is an error.


Partner has marked this institution as paused. It is operating on data from the last successful sync but is not currently updating in the nightly sync. School will revert to 'active' and data will automatically update when the school is reshared and a sync is run.


School has been frozen either by partner request or initiated by TalkingPoints staff. All associated accounts still attached to the school will now be locked and will see a frozen screen. Clever, ClassLink, TP Connector or .csv schools rostered accounts can choose to freeze accounts. This action can only be reversed by contacting the TalkingPoints Support team.

If you unshare any schools in Clever, ClassLink, or TalkingPoints Connector, the TalkingPoints nightly sync will flag those schools and assign them the 'Action Needed' status.

If any schools were unshared in error, please reshare those schools, or reach out to the support team with any questions.

You will be redirected to the 'Schools' tab, where you will see a list of schools that did not sync.

To keep the data from the last successful sync and allow staff at the indicated school(s) to continue using TalkingPoints, select the school name(s) and choose 'Pause'.

For any schools that should be deleted from TalkingPoints, please use the three-dot menu next to the school name, and select 'Freeze'.

Freezing locks all accounts associated with that school, resulting in a frozen screen for any staff members tied to that school, even if they are part of another school.

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