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Import Classes

How to import all your classes into Teach 'n Go

Abdullah Al-Hussein avatar
Written by Abdullah Al-Hussein
Updated over a week ago

Teach 'n Go allows an admin to import multiple classes at once by using an Excel file template.

Begin the Process

To begin, click on the add button on the top menu bar. From here, choose the 'Import Classes' option.

Add Classes Data

  1. On the following page, you can download the import classes template,

  2. There are some example data to guide you on how the data should be added. Columns with a red header are mandatory.

  3. Add your class data in the same format as the examples in the template.

  4. Certain fields require you to provide Ids (teachers, students, classroom). You'll need to export the People reports to obtain the correct ids.

  5. Make sure to delete the examples when you are ready.

  6. Once you have added all the class data, upload it to Teach 'n Go for processing.

Mapping Columns

If the column names have not been changed, you can click Next here to continue.

Verify Data

The data will be verified on the following page to ensure formats are correct. You can view invalid fields and edit the fields within the import tool.

Complete the process, and wait for a few moments while all your classes are added to Teach 'n Go. If you are adding a large number of classes, it could take up to a few minutes, so please hang on!

If you have any issues importing your students, please get in touch with our support team through the intercom support chat or by emailing us at

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