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KloudCanvas - Pre-designed newsletters and parent tip sheets

Create newsletters, documents and parental tipsheet's or booklets

Updated over 7 months ago

What is KloudCanvas?

  • KloudCanvas guides you in creating newsletters and parental tip sheets.

  • Tip sheets are parental booklets on a number of topics, from establishing sleep routines to language development.

  • Sharing: All documents created using KloudCanvas, can be shared with parents via the TeachKloud for Parents App.

Tip sheet snippet

Please read in full to ensure the best experience:

We recommend using a laptop, desktop or tablet with a large screen, for the best experience.

How do I create newsletters?

Tip: when editing using KloudCanvas, hover over any icon to see a description of what it does. Follow this guide closely to get started. Don't hesitate to ask us any questions, on everything else, using the live chat button:

  • Click here to navigate to KloudCanvas

  • Select 'new' in the top right hand corner

  • Add a title (e.g. January Newsletter), decide if you'd like to share with parents

  • Select a template (scroll to see all templates).

Editing the newsletter

  • Select edit text (p.s. the undo/redo) buttons are right next to the edit text area. You can now edit all text and placeholders / images

  • Delete any unwanted text and replace it

  • To save changes, select "Save & Close" (right-hand corner of screen) or the "Save text" button (middle of screen).

Adding images to the newsletter

  • Ensure Edit text is selected

  • Select an image placeholder (scenery boxes).

  • Select the insert image section (top right hand corner) to upload your image (images can be moved and re-sized).

  • Placeholders or any uploaded images can be deleted, by selecting the edit text button and then the delete / trash button (top right hand corner).

Saving the newsletter

  • To save changes, select "Save & Close" (right-hand corner of screen) or the "Save text" button (middle of screen).

  • When you are happy with your newsletter, select 'Finish' in the top right hand corner. If you have chosen to share this with parents, this will automatically be sent to the parents app.

How do I share TeachKloud's Tip sheets with Parents?

Tip sheets are parental help booklets on a number of topics, including establishing sleep routines to language development.

To share a tip sheet (Please note: tip sheet's cannot be edited, as they are under TeachKloud copyright):

  • Click here to navigate to KloudCanvas

  • Add a title (e.g. Tip sheet on Language Development), select to share with parents or leave blank and parents will not see your tip sheet

  • Select a tip sheet template (scroll down to see all tip sheets).

  • Wait for all pages of the tip sheet to load (typically 2-4 pages)

When finished, select 'Finish' in the top right-hand corner to save and/or send to parents (if you have chosen to share the newsletter with parents).


Usage of KloudCanvas: Please review all templates carefully before sharing, particularly with parents. KloudCanvas offers a variety of templates, including tip sheets and newsletters. Note that, tip sheets are not editable and must be used as provided. However, you can edit other templates such as newsletters. It is your responsibility to ensure that the content is appropriate and accurate prior to use or sharing with other parties, such as parents..

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