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Change to safe zone styling - 02/02/2025

Find out about what the safe zone colours mean and what you can expect to see when viewing geofences

Cat Dulake avatar
Written by Cat Dulake
Updated over a month ago

Soon, you'll see a change to how your planned safe zones appear on your Dashboard. Find out below why these changes are being made and what you can expect to see differently in your Dashboard soon.

Why is this change being made?

These changes have been made in preparation for an exciting and impactful new feature, geofence alert zones, that will be coming to your Dashboards later in 2025.

The geofence alert zone feature will allow planners to create warning and danger zones, as well as the current safe zones.

For example, plan virtual danger zones around hazards such as Japanese knotweed or a set of points and warning zones for areas approaching these.

What's changing?

The appearance of a planned (not live) safe zone is changing from orange to hashed green with a dashed border.

Current styling

Planned safe zone (not live) - Orange

Live safe zone - Green

Upcoming restyle

Planned safe zone (not live) - Hashed green fill with dashed green border

Live safe zone - No change - Solid green fill and border

How will this impact me?

Planning safe zones

When drawing or generating your safe zones, you'll no longer see these safe zones in orange. Planning safe zones will be done with the green dashed border and the hashed fill.

Start/stop sites

You'll start and stop sites in the exact same way, however, on the site timeline you'll see that the live site's safe zone is solid green and the scheduled site's safe zone has a clear dashed edge.

Live map view

From the live map view, you'll see that the live site is solid green while the scheduled site (not live) has a clear dashed edge and hashed fill.

Zooming in and out on the live map

You'll still be able to see clearly which sites and sections of safe zones are live, and which have not been started yet when zooming in and out of larger worksites.

Any questions or issues?

We're here to help! Simply pop us an email at, WhatsApp us on +44 (0) 7713682625 or chat with us via the help button at the corner of this page or within the Dashboard 😊

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