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How to give a device a nickname

Find out how to give a Tended device a nickname on the Dashboard

Cat Dulake avatar
Written by Cat Dulake
Updated over a month ago

We recommend giving your devices nicknames so they're easily identifiable from your Dashboard when using geotagging for your projects.

It's quick and easy to give your device a nickname, so let's dive in πŸ‘‡

Please note: you need to assign device(s) to your project or site before giving them nicknames.

How to give a device a nickname

  1. Log in to the Tended Dashboard.

  2. Click the "Projects" tab at the top of the screen.

  3. Find the project your device is assigned to and click "View project".

  4. Click the "Devices" tab at the top left of the screen.

  5. Find the correct device from the devices table and click in its "Nickname" column.

  6. A modal will pop up. Click into the box and type in the nickname.

  7. Click "Save".

  8. You will now be able to see the device's nickname in the devices table.

Any questions or issues?

We're here to help! Simply pop us an email at, WhatsApp us on +44 (0) 7713682625 or chat with us via the help button at the corner of this page or within the Dashboard 😊

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