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TCL Certification & Program
TCL Certification & Program

Certification, Program, Requirements

26 articles
Can the BEE be used for SBTI?
Once I get certified, what happens?
How should I select carbon credits?
How important is the "reduce" part of this?
Calculating my company’s carbon footprint seems complex – how will I know the measurement is accurate?
My company doesn’t make a physical product – is my footprint zero?
What's the idea behind “Measure, Fund, and Reduce"?
How will Change Climate make The Climate Label recognizable and valuable to my customers?
Why are you asking businesses to do something? Isn't this a government thing?
Why just focus on greenhouse gas emissions when the world has so many sustainability problems?
How is The Climate Label different from other pledges and labels?
How do I know you guys are legit?
What is Change Climate's end goal?
Who is behind The Change Climate Project?
How does a carbon credit help fight climate change?
How much does the world need to reduce its total carbon footprint?
What is a carbon footprint?
What are carbon emissions and how do they contribute to climate change?
Do I need to rebaseline or restate historical emissions?
What are the underlying costs for the entire certification process and what share of it is recurring?
Are there any restrictions on the percentage share of total baseline/inventory emissions that can be used to calculate the Climate Transition Budget?
Could you please clarify the licensing fee to use the BEE? Is this separate from the Brand Licensing Fee calculated per ton of carbon?
How can we make sure our certification fees count towards our 1% for the Planet contribution?
Once our measurement is approved, that carbon fee is applied, and the resulting number is the amount of money we need to invest in projects that contribute to the transition to a net-zero future, right?
Can you explain the minimum Brand Licensing Fee?
Can you tell me about AB1305 and what I need to do to comply?