Which product is it related to?
Digital Identity.
What is the feature?
Document validation retries: a client can retry the upload step if the user uploads a low quality picture, before the validation fails.
What problem are we solving?
When a user performs a validation, they may upload a low quality image, this validation will end in failure because the OCR system can’t identify the fields and information in the document.
Now our customer can retry the upload step and give feedback to the users before the validation fails.
Why is this useful?
Our clients can increase their conversion rate in document validation by using retries.
How to do it? How do I integrate?
Through our API, using a new response field.
In our API response we give information about low quality in face pictures on documents or low quality in document fields.
What happens if we don’t have this?
You should create a new validation for each user that upload a low quality picture, and maybe you could lose this user.