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How do I process TryNow returns in Loop?
Updated over a week ago

TryNow is fully integrated with Loop so that your returns workflow remains largely unchanged.

This article will help explain how to process TryNow returns in Loop. We have broken this help article into sections, including TryNow only orders and mixed carts.

Key Takeaways

Read these takeaways for a high-level understanding of our integration with Loop. See "The Details" for more information.

  1. All TryNow orders will remain in “Authorized” and “Fulfilled” status in Shopify until the trial period and returns period have ended. If no returns happen, the shopper will be charged on the full authorized amount at the end of the trial and returns period.

  2. Mixed Cart orders will appear in Shopify as “Partially Paid” and “Fulfilled” status until the trial period and returns period have ended. “Partially paid” means that the shopper has paid for the buy now item, but that there is an authorization for the remaining TryNow item. If no returns happen, the shopper will be charged on the full authorized amount at the end of the trial and returns period.

  3. You should process returns as normal in Loop, however, please note: an error will occur showing a message similar to the following. This is expected behavior! You simply need to click "Close Return" on the returns detail page. The returned items will be restocked. TryNow's integration with Loop then allows us to process the return by capturing the appropriate amount on the shopper's card.

The Details

If the shopper returns any items, the following instructions lay out how our integration works with Loop. There is no need to click “Capture Payment” in Shopify on these orders. The amount to capture will update after the trial and any applicable return period.

TryNow Only Orders

Returning one or more TryNow items

Note: Loop does not tag TryNow orders in their system.

Once a shopper has initiated a return, it will appear in your Loop Returns Dashboard in Open status. When the returned item(s) arrive at your warehouse, open the Return Details Page and process the return as you would a standard order.

The Return Details Page will show that the shopper is getting a refund, but note that the shopper has only been authorized for this amount (not charged), so they will not be receiving a refund for their returned TryNow items.

Assuming the item(s) is eligible for return/restocking, ensure “Restock all” is selected and click “Process Return.”

Because the shopper is not receiving a refund for the TryNow item since their card was only authorized for that amount, after clicking Process Return, Loop will show the return with a “Refund error” next to the total. This is expected behavior, so don’t worry!

To finalize this return, click “Close Return” at the top of the page. The below pop up will appear. Click “Close Return” again.

This action will push the return through to Shopify so that the order will update with the kept item remaining in “Fulfilled” status and the returned item showing in “Returned” status.

Our system will automatically close the return in Shopify and charge for the correct amount, if a charge is applicable. No action is required by you. Please wait up to 5 days after the returned item(s) are processed for our system to close the order.

To see the amount to be captured on the shopper’s authorization open your Merchant Portal. Look up the order number and click into the order details page, you can scroll down to view the order breakdown and “Amount to Capture”.

Once the remaining amount is captured, the order will then update to “Paid”, “Fulfilled”, “Returned”, “Archived” status in Shopify.

Returning all TryNow items

Note: Loop does not tag TryNow orders in their system.

Once a shopper has initiated a return, it will appear in your Loop Returns Dashboard in Open status. When the returned item(s) arrive at your warehouse, open the Return Details Page and process the return as you would a standard order.

The Return Details Page will show that the shopper is getting a refund, but note that the shopper has only been authorized for this amount (not charged) and they will not be receiving a refund for their TryNow items.

Assuming the items are eligible for return/restocking, ensure “Restock all” is selected and click “Process Return.”

The follow pop up will appear. Click “Okay.”

Because the shopper is not receiving a refund for the TryNow items, after clicking Process Return, Loop will show the return with a “Refund error” next to the total. This is expected behavior.

To finalize this return, click “Close Return” at the top of the page. The below pop up will appear. Click “Close Return” again.

This action will push the return though to Shopify so that the order will update with any kept items remaining in “Fulfilled” status and the returned TryNow items showing in “Returned” status.

Our system will automatically close the return in Shopify and charge for the correct amount, if a charge is applicable. No action is required by you. Please wait up to 5 days after the returned item(s) are processed for our system to close the order.

To see the amount to be captured on the shopper’s authorization open your Merchant Portal. Look up the order number and click into the order details page, you can scroll down to view the order breakdown and “Amount to Capture”.

Once the remaining amount is captured, the order will then update to “Paid”, “Fulfilled”, “Returned”, “Archived” status in Shopify.

Mixed Cart Order (a buy now item and a TryNow item)

Returning a buy now item in a Mixed Cart

Note: Loop does not tag TryNow orders in their system.

Once a shopper has initiated a return, it will appear in your Loop Returns Dashboard in Open status. When the returned item(s) arrive at your warehouse, open the Return Details Page and process the return as you would a standard order.

The Return Details Page will show that the shopper is getting a refund, like it would for a normal order.

Assuming the item is eligible for return/restocking, ensure “Restock all” is selected and click “Process Return.”

No errors will occur in Loop for this order as Loop is able to process and deduct any applicable returns handling fee from the refund amount for the shopper. The shopper will be charged for any applicable return handling fees. Loop’s API will update our system to capture for that amount. Clicking “Process Return” will push this information from Loop to Shopify to update the order.

Once the return of the buy now item is accepted and complete, the Shopify Notes and Timeline will update with the refund details. The refund will be sent to the shopper. Then our system will capture payment for the remaining TryNow item.

Our system will automatically close the return in Shopify and charge for the correct amount, if a charge is applicable. No action is required by you. Please wait up to 5 days after the returned item(s) are processed for our system to close the order.

To see the amount to be captured on the shopper’s authorization open your Merchant Portal. Look up the order number and click into the order details page, you can scroll down to view the order breakdown and “Amount to Capture”.

Once the remaining amount is captured, the order will then update to “Paid”, “Fulfilled”, “Returned”, “Archived” status in Shopify.

Returning TryNow item(s) in a Mixed Cart

Note: Loop does not tag TryNow orders in their system.

Once a shopper has initiated a return, it will appear in your Loop Returns Dashboard in Open status. When the returned item(s) arrive at your warehouse, open the Return Details Page and process the return as you would a standard order.

The Return Details Page will show that the shopper is getting a refund, but note that the shopper has only been authorized for this amount (not charged) and they will not be receiving a refund for the TryNow items.

Assuming the item(s) is eligible for return/restocking, ensure “Restock all” is selected and click “Process Return.”

Because the shopper is not receiving a refund for the TryNow item since their card was only authorized for that amount, after clicking Process Return, Loop will show the return with a “Refund error” next to the total. This is expected behavior.

To finalize this return, click “Close Return” at the top of the page. The below pop up will appear. Click “Close Return” again.

This action will push the return though to Shopify so that the order will update with the kept item remaining in “Fulfilled” status and the returned item showing in “Returned” status.

Shopify will show the order as “Partially paid,” “Fulfilled,” and “Returned” status.

From here, the shopper only be charged for any applicable return handling fees. Loop’s API will update our system to capture for that amount.

Our system will automatically close the return in Shopify and charge for the correct amount, if a charge is applicable. No action is required by you. Please wait up to 5 days after the returned item(s) are processed for our system to close the order.

To see the amount to be captured on the shopper’s authorization open your Merchant Portal. Look up the order number and click into the order details page, you can scroll down to view the order breakdown and “Amount to Capture”.

Once the remaining amount is captured, the order will then update to “Paid”, “Fulfilled”, “Returned”, “Archived” status in Shopify.

Returning all items in a Mixed Cart

Note: Loop does not tag TryNow orders in their system.

Once a shopper has initiated a return, it will appear in your Loop Returns Dashboard in Open status. When the returned item(s) arrive at your warehouse, open the Return Details Page and process the return as you would a standard order.

The Return Details Page will show that the shopper is getting a refund, but note that the shopper has only been authorized for a portion this amount (not charged) and they will receive a refund for the buy now portion of this order.

Assuming the items are eligible for return/restocking, ensure “Restock all” is selected and click “Process Return.”

The follow pop up will appear. Click “Okay.”

Because the shopper is not receiving a refund for the TryNow item(s) since their card was only authorized for that amount, after clicking Process Return, Loop will show the return with a “Refund error” next to the total. This is expected behavior.

To finalize this return, click “Close Return” at the top of the page. The below pop up will appear. Click “Close Return” again.

This action will push the return through to Shopify so that the order will update with the returned items showing in “Returned” status.

Shopify will show the order as “Partially paid,” “Fulfilled,” and “Returned” status.

From here, the shopper will only be charged for any applicable return handling fees. Loop’s API will update our system to capture for that amount.

Our system will automatically close the return in Shopify and charge for the correct amount, if a charge is applicable. No action is required by you. Please wait up to 5 days after the returned item(s) are processed for our system to close the order.

To see the amount to be captured on the shopper’s authorization open your Merchant Portal. Look up the order number and click into the order details page, you can scroll down to view the order breakdown and “Amount to Capture”.

Once the remaining amount is captured, the order will then update to “Paid”, “Fulfilled”, “Returned”, “Archived” status in Shopify.

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