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Customizing your Shopify Supported RMS Integration
Updated over 11 months ago

This article explains in more detail the available configurations to customize your Shopify Supported RMS integration and our system's automated payment capture logic.

At any point, you can always click the "Edit" symbol next to your active integration to edit these settings.

Returns Integration Settings Modal

For the selections under "After I have accepted a return"

Indicate whether you would like TryNow to attempt to automatically restock items or if you would like to perform restocking outside of TryNow.

For the selections under "I would like TryNow to automatically capture payment"

Indicate when you would like TryNow to capture payment: below we have provided illustrative examples to understand what these options mean.

After the return is accepted - merchants that would like to receive the returned inventory at their warehouse and inspect the items before accepting / processing the return should select this option.

To provide an illustrative example:

  • Shopper's trial for 3 T-shirts begins on 12/1/23 and is set to end on 12/10/23.

  • On 12/5/23, in the middle of their trial, the shopper initiates a return for 1 T-shirt. They go through the returns portal and get a returns shipping label. They package up their item and send it to the merchant's warehouse.

  • At this point, our system can see that a return has been initiated, so we extend out the capture date and wait for the return to be accepted. Our system will not charge right after the trial ends on 12/11/23, because we know that a return has been initiated.

  • On 12/12/23, the return arrives at the warehouse. The merchant inspects the item for any damage. The merchant accepts the return in Shopify or the returns portal and closes the return.

    • For regular buy now orders, this is similar to processing the refund for a return.

  • Our system sees that the returned inventory has been accepted, so we automatically capture payment for only the 2 T-shirts.

After a shopper initiates a return - only merchants who do not need to receive the returned inventory at their warehouse should select this option. This option is more relevant for non-reusable inventory, such as makeup or skincare products.

To provide an illustrative example:

  • Shopper's trial for 2 foundation products begins on 12/1/23 and is set to end on 12/10/23.

  • On 12/5/23, the shopper initiates a return for 1 foundation shade.

  • The merchant does not need to check the return, because after it has been used, they cannot resell the product. Therefore, the merchant prefers to just close out the order and capture payment immediately.

  • Our system will automatically charge right after the shopper initiated the return on 12/5/23.

Returns Delay Preference

After a shopper has initiated a return, how long would you like our system to wait before automatically capturing? This covers extreme scenarios in which shoppers initiate returns, but never actually send in the returns. It is meant to prevent orders from simply never closing by enforcing a maximum cap of time.

To provide an illustrative example:

  • Let's say you have the following settings configured:

    • Trial period length = 10 days

    • Post-trial charge delay = 1 day

    • Capture payment automatically after the return has been accepted

    • Returns delay preference = 30 days

  • A shopper's trial for a $100 item began on 12/1/23. If they do not initiate a return within the 10 day trial period, then they will be charged automatically on 12/11/23.

  • Let's say they initiate a return on 12/10/23. Our system will keep extending the charge date until we see that the item has been accepted.

  • The shopper never actually sends in the return. 30 days pass and we still do not see any return accepted event. On 1/9/24 (30 days after the return was initiated), our system will automatically capture for $100.

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