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C3 and C6p FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the C3 and C6p

Updated over a year ago

Is the C3 or C6p effectively just a housing for the sensors of your choice?

The C3 and C6p is a housing with the ability for customer to select their application of choice. The C3 can have up to three sensors installed on the instrument. The C6p can have 6 sensors. An example of a setup could be 6 sensors on a C6p all with rhodamine applications for redundancy or a C3 with Rhodamine, Phycocyanin, and Turbidity applications.

What is the maximum amount of data the C3 can store?

The maximum amount of datapoints that can be stored in the C3 is 64,000 data lines.

Does the C3 or C6p have memory cards?

No there are no memory cards in C3 or C6p.

What format is the data outputted from the C3 or C6p?

Data files are downloaded as .csv so they can be opened in Excel or as text files.

Since the C3 is a self-contained unit, can I attach it to a buoy with an anchor to leave in the ocean?

The C3 and the C6ps are self-contained units you can leave in the ocean.
Two options for this:

  1. You can purchase a battery which should last you about a month before it needs to be recharged at 15-minute sampling interval

  2. You can connect this to a buoy or mooring that will supply power to the C3 and you’ll be limited by the memory, but the memory can store up to 64000 data lines. Just for reference, that’s 2 years continuous at 15-minute sample intervals.

Will sunlight affect C3 readings?

Our C3 shade caps and C-ray Shade cap has vents for water flow. If it faces up with the sun above, it will saturate the photo diode and render it to 0. It needs to face down to properly work. We no longer offer the C-Ray Shade cap for sale.

Does the C3/C6p Shade cap have a lid?

For the C3 or C6p shade cap, they can be unscrewed and removed depending on the application that the customer needs. The cap serves to block sunlight from overloading the sensor diode when reading near the surface of the water, especially for applications of towing. If placing the instrument in open ocean water, it is okay to keep the lid off to prevent sediment and any organics from taking residence in the lid.

What is the Calibration process for C3 or C6p?

Calibration process is listed in our user manuals (998-2300.pdf), but here is a general recap in text to get the general idea. Customer will need to use our C-Soft software, available on our website if you scroll down to download. Here is our help article describing this process: C3 or C6p Troubleshooting and Setup | Turner Designs Help Center
Once everything is booted up, C3 plugged into the computer via data cable 1st, power cable 2nd, you will see a UI with a calibration tab after selecting the Current data. Calibration process will read your blank solution, typically DI water, then it will ask for your liquid standard solution, it will read and finish.

Does the C3 or C6p comes calibrated?

For our C3 or C6p Fluorometers, they are not factory calibrated. Typically, the customer can calibrate their instruments themselves based on their samples to get a better reading than what we can provide especially with their DI water blanks. Customers can also purchase certain liquid standards from us or an alternative source to do the calibrations themselves. Calibration Solutions for Various Instruments | Turner Designs Help Center

Is the C3 affected by temperature? Are sensors on the C3 affected by temperature?

The C3 operates within a temperature range of 60-105˚F (15-40˚C) without issue. While sensor readings (e.g., oils or chlorophyll) may vary with temperature, the C3 measures temperature independently, and its internal calibration provides a direct output. Temperature does not affect the C3's RFU calculations for hydrocarbons; any variations are for us to interpret. There is no temperature factored into the C3 RFU calculations of hydrocarbon.

Can I use the C3 out of water to run an extracted chlorophyll (acidification) sample?

Best method for the C3 to read is in situ (water) or via dispersion. Extracted, like with isopropyl, is harder since it is essentially putting a test tube to the C3 and there’s the high chance of degradation to the instrument with the different uses of solvents.

How long does the C3 last on a battery that I purchased from Turner Designs?

We have a Battery life calculator for C3 and C6p's: Battery Life Calculator for the C3, C6P, C6 or PhytoFind Submersible Battery ( Useful to see how long your settings will affect battery life. Most will go up to 25 days, on lower settings for wiping revolutions can go three days more.

How to clean sensors on C3? How to clean C3/C6P? How to remove barnacles from C3/C6P?

Clean sensor head with warm water and soap to remove organics. Use a soft brush sparingly or soft cloth. Use the brillo pad sponge yellow side not the green abrasive side or another soft sponge.

Why does the datalogger I have connected to the C3/C6P come out with unreadable data or jumbled data?

External third party dataloggers can cause the string of values to come out all jumbled when connected to the C3 or C6p. Adjust the settings for the datalogger to resolve this issue.

What is the autogain system on the C3/C6P?

As the gain increases, the sensitivity increases and the concentration range decreases. Our optical specification guide available on our website also lists the limits at which they can read at: linear range of 0-1000 ppb for Rhodamine as an example. Keep in mind that this gain switching does take seconds to readjust. 998-2381_New

Troubleshooting C3/C6P sensors after sitting on the shelf for months?

To troubleshoot the C3 or C6p after sitting on the shelf for months, simply interface with the software (C-soft) and choose the current data tab which should spark up all the LEDs and start giving you values in the table on that screen.

Then run your hand past each sensor on the C3 or C6p and see if the value pings (increases). That should be good enough for a quick check after a long period of sitting on the shelf.

Should the C3 be used while the pump is constantly running or when the pump is off?

Up to customer application. If you are using the C3 or C6p while the pump is on, you would need to adjust the read to be 30 second reads or 1 sec since if it is set too high, it will miss the water packets that come through the flow cap.

Can I get the C3 data string?

Here is the C3 data string below. Information comes from S-0172.pdf:

  • Carriage return

  • Line Feed

  • Date - 8 characters: MM/DD/YY

  • 1 space

  • Time - 8 characters: HH:MM:SS

  • 2 spaces (NOTE the extra space here!)

  • Channel 1 - 9 characters

  • 1 space

  • Channel 2 - 9 characters

  • 1 space

  • Channel 3 - 9 characters

  • 1 space

  • Depth - 6 characters

  • 1 space

  • Temperature - 6 character

- Note: Fields for channels 1, 2, and 3, depth and temperature are padded with leading spaces in the case that they don’t occupy the entire 9 character field width

C3 or C6P automatically manages the gains (1x, 10x, 100x)? Or they are factory fixed?

C3 and C6p Automatically manages gains based on fluorescence detected.

What is the reason to select different gains during calibration for C3 and C6p? Can I change gains manually on C3 or C6p?

Gains are not selectable, they are automatically managed in calibration and measurement.

Is it possible to calculate/presume the linear full scale for each sensor in the C3 or C6p? Or should we assume the Cyplops-7 datasheets full scale?

Assume Cyclops-7F datasheet full scale as the same for the C3 and C6p linear full scale.

Is the C3's RFU Full scale value equal to 65536?

Yes the C3's RFU full scale is somewhere around there, but that number may not map directly to the full scale on the datasheet.

Will you develop firmware that has a fixed gain on the C3? Does the C3 have a fixed gain? Can I turn off the autogain on the C3?

Unfortunately, with the C3, there is no “disabling” of the autogain feature. We do not have plans in the near future to develop firmware with a fixed gain selection. We do, however, have many options that would work in a similar way to the C3 if you’re looking more in that direction. C-FLUORs with a DataBank datalogger can do this, the Databank has internal datalogging capabilities. C-FLUOR digital can do this with a computer. Additionally, there are other products like the PME logger, Seabird, and some sondes that can do this fixed gain on a cyclops or C-FLUOR.

How to have the C3 or C6p unit function properly?

Information comes from C3 or C6p Troubleshooting and Setup | Turner Designs Help Center
Ensure that the following conditions below are met.

  1. Make sure the unit clock matches your current time (set unit clock; settings tab)

  2. make sure you have the channels' boxes checked off (put a check mark next to each channel to activate it; settings tab)

  3. make sure data are streaming in current data tab (current data tab; readings will always stream at once per second)

  4. make sure you've set the sample interval appropriately hh:mm:ss (log setup tab)

  5. make sure you enable datalog and press Yes when the display box appears, which will automatically close the program and put the unit in datalog mode (Note: after the program automatially closes, unplug power then USB cable)

  6. make sure to plug power in back in to begin the unit logging at the set interval (Note: here's where you have to watch the LEDs and look for a specific action as described below)

  7. When the power is plugged back in, the LEDs will flash very quickly and then come on for 2 seconds and then go off. This indicates power was correctly received by the board for booting up. If the LEDs come on when power is plugged in and stay on, then the unit will not begin logging. If that happens, unplug power and plug it back in and look for the action described. It should happen. If it doesn't and you've repeated the action several times, then don't unplug from the connector (jack) unplug from the wall and plug back in. Let me know if any of this helps.

What are the firmware versions available for the C3 or C6p?

For the C3 or C6p, 2.20 is standard version installed on the instrument. 2.22 is for integrator version.

What is the integrator version?

This firmware is designed for use by customers that are integrating their C3 with an external datalogger, CTD or similar system. The Integrator Firmware is different from the standard C3 firmware and has some features that users need to consider before installing:

  1. Internal datalogging is NOT possible with this version of firmware. The Integrator Firmware is intended for data output only.

  2. The data output rate defined by this Integrator Firmware is 1 second and cannot be changed to reflect longer or shorter data output rates.

  3. Once power is applied there is a 15 second delay before data output starts at a 1 second interval.

  4. If the wiper is enabled, it will rotate the set number of rotations upon powering the instrument and every 5 minutes as long as power is continuously supplied.

  5. Sleep mode is disabled; therefore as long as power is continuously supplied the instrument will continue to stream data at a 1 second interval

Why can I not use 1 second sampling intervals for the standard firmware on the C3?

If your application requires the 1 second interval sampling and you do not require internal datalogging on the C3, the integrator firmware would be better suited to your needs. However, the standard C3 firmware can be set to greater than 5 seconds.

What cables fit on the C3?

Cables that fit C3: MCIL-8-FS_IMPULSE (Micro Circular Rubber Molded Connector). You can find some examples at Fondriest:

Where can I buy cables for my C3 or C6p?

Unfortunately we don’t have the cables for the C3 or C6p. They can be purchased online from the following site: What you’re looking for is a cable that has 8 pins like the MCIL-8-FS-1. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Can I have copper tape contacting the temperature probe on the C3?

We typically don’t want two dissimilar metals such as the copper tape and the temperature probe touching each other in seawater, it will lead to corrosion on the C3.

Can I still purchase copper tape?

Unfortunately, we don’t sell that copper tape anymore. You can however go to any local hardware store and cut it out to shape.
We offer copper plates which work better for preventing growth and are a perfect fit for the C3. Another option is the copper wiper, which should be enough at surface level depth applications.

Wiper blades are going the wrong direction on the C3/C6P?

The C3 wiper brush has stiff bristles which can catch on the sides when wiping causing it to reverse. If the bristle points face into the turn direction, the wiper may stop or reverse. To prevent this, remove the wiper, home it using the test wiper button in C-Soft, then reinstall the brush with the bristle points facing away from the turn. This ensures the bristles won’t catch on the sensor/end cap or copper plate.

C3 Battery Bracket is necessary for setup?

C3 Battery bracket certainly will help with stability especially if the cable connection comes loose causing pins to lose connection. The unit will start logging 1.5 minutes after power is supplied, assuming it isn’t intermittent power. The one thing I would absolutely make sure of is that the clock is set properly. Setting time to your local time is critical to the unit starting on time.

After uploading new firmware on the C3, my serial number is showing weird values 1 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿ?

Sometimes after committing new firmware to memory on the C3, the serial number gets corrupted. It can get fixed if you upload the old firmware and see the serial number return. Though the serial number is not part of the functionality of the instrument and will not affect readings.

My live data readings on C3 or C6p are about 4 seconds off in comparison to the downloaded files. Why does this happen?

On very rare occasions a bug will form in the software when a calibration is written over an existing calibration. This will cause the live data readings to appear like it is 4 seconds off. The best way to get this fixed is to select clear calibrations in the C-SOFT tab for settings.

Is there a max number of revolutions on the C3 or C6p motor?

Regarding useful life, we have no results that show failure of the C3 or C6p motor after a number of wipes. We’ve had these same units in the field for longer than 5 years without issue. I can’t assume they’ve been wiping continuously for 5 years so I have no data on continuous use, however, that’s a good indication that the wipers last a long time.

There is some oxidation and biofouling forming on the Copper wiper blades and collar plate installed on my C3 or C6P, can I still use it?

Though there is some minor oxidation on the copper elements, they are still fine to use. Only with a complete degradation would it be time to replace the wiper and plate.

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