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FAQ Page

A list of FAQs for our Users!

Sarala Conlan avatar
Written by Sarala Conlan
Updated over a week ago

Which Browser Should I be Using Kojo With?

Google Chrome! Kojo works best with Google Chrome. Other browsers may have settings that block some of your abilities in Kojo, so we suggest using Chrome with Kojo.

How Do I Reset My password?

Follow these steps: How to Reset Kojo Password

How Can I Add New Users to Our Account as a Kojo Admin?

You can do so by following these steps:

How Do I Add Vendors?

If you are on a direct accounting integration with Kojo, then vendors will be added in your ERP and then synced to Kojo. If you are not on a direct integration, follow these steps:

Why Are There Only 20 Lines Listed for Material when Creating a Requisition on the Desktop?

Once you begin to type information into the last (20th line), the table will expand to include more lines and will continue to do so as you enter in more and more material.

Where Can I Keep Up-to-Date with New Kojo Product and Features Releases?

You can check our "What's New in Kojo" page for monthly release notes:

Why Has My General Stock PO Not Followed the Auto-Generate PO Number Format?

When converting an RFQ to a PO, if you select general stock, a PO number outside the normal automated PO format you have set up will be generated. It will instead take on the General Stock PO format.

I Just Switched to a Field User View on the Desktop and Now I'm Stuck!

When you use Kojo as a Field User on the desktop, you will first be prompted to select a Job to join. A pop-up will appear on your screen that looks like this:

To move past this screen, you will need to either join a job from the Available Jobs tab or click on a Job you have already joined on Your Jobs tab. Once you have done so, you can click on "Done" in the bottom right-hand corner of this pop-up and you will be able to move past this page.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Support Team at

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