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September 2023 Release Notes
September 2023 Release Notes
Sarala Conlan avatar
Written by Sarala Conlan
Updated over a week ago

Check out our exciting additions and enhancements for September 2023!

Features and Enhancements for the Office

Tags for Orders

Custom Tags for POs is our latest feature, allowing you to easily organize and group your POs according to your specific needs. This feature will save you time and effort by enabling you to quickly find the POs you require without having to manually search through hundreds of them. By using this feature, sub-contractors can monitor long-term POs more efficiently, keep track of multiple shipments, and stay on top of large jobs.

What’s included:

  1. Users can add/remove a tag to any purchase order from the order detail

  2. When creating a new tag, Users can customize the color of the tag

  3. The tags will be shared across the entire organization for anybody to use and re-use

  4. Ability to delete a tag from your Organization

  5. Ability to edit the tag name or color once set

    1. This can be done on the order detail screen

    2. This can be done underneath the selector in the orders table

  6. Ability to select tags to filter by on the Orders Page

What’s currently not included:

  1. Tags on RFQs, requisitions, or other parent models

Order Version History: BOM Support

The initial version of Order Version History (OVH) did not support the ability to link order items to a BOM. With this new feature, you are now able to do that in a first class way!

Note, this will only appear for Orders that have had at least an initial version created and have been linked to Sage 300.

How it works

Open an Order that’s been linked

An order that’s been linked will have the BOM column and surface whether an item has or has not been linked.

  • "Not Linked" will appear in blue

  • "Linked" will appear in white

When editing a PO, the BOM column will not appear

When a user is editing a Change Order, the BOM column will be hidden.

Users will only be able to link back to BOM items after they complete a Change Order

BOM column only appears on latest version of PO

The BOM column will only appear on the latest version of the PO, because that is the up-to-date version of the PO.

Order Version History: HFR (Hold for Release) Support

The initial version of Order Version History (OVH) did not support Hold-for-Release (HFR) POs. Now it does!

Note, this will only appear for Orders that have had at least an initial version created and have been linked to Sage 300.

How it works

Open an Order that’s been linked to Sage300 to see HFR columns

An HFR order that’s been linked to Sage 300 will have the "Released" and "Remaining" columns.

A user can release items as they do in non-OVH POs by either selecting line items using the checkbox on the left-hand side or clicking "Release Item(s)" in the top right of the Order Items table.

When editing a PO, the HFRs columns will be un-editable

When a user is editing a Change Order, the HFRs columns will be visible but un-editable.

HFR columns only appears on latest version of PO

The HFR columns will only appear on the latest version of the PO, because that is the up-to-date version of the PO.

Features and Enhancements for the Field

Better Search for Buyouts on Field Web

On Field web, the search within Buyout items is now new & improved. Making it easier to find material!

Browsable BOM for Field Web

Field users can now search and browse BOM items on Field Web!

New Look to Quick Order – Even More Images!

There are now more images prominent on quick order:

Features and Enhancements for the Warehouse

Bin/Shelf Sublocations

Kojo now has locations and sublocations! A location is the inventory location like a warehouse, yard, or shipping container. Sublocations are the places within the location that inventory is stored within, like a bin or shelf. Please visit our Bin/Shelf Sublocations Guide to learn more by clicking: HERE

Features and Enhancements for Invoices

Bulk Invoice Upload (Email Ingestion Only)

Frequently, Vendors send invoices to Customers in time-boxed batches, resulting in many invoices being received in one PDF. We have adjusted our scanning process to now be able to recognize when multiple invoices are included in a single PDF!

We hope you are as excited about these new updates as we are! If you have any additional questions, please reach out to your CSM, or to our Support Team at

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