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Salesforce sequences

Guide to use Userled assets in Salesforce sequences

Updated over a week ago

Running sequences from Salesforce is a very common use case and Userled makes it easy to include personalised content experiences in your outreach campaigns.

Tip: We recommend you get the support of a Salesforce admin to help you setup your personalised email templates.

Quick campaigns

If you are looking to send emails to one or a few contacts, the quickest option is to manually export assets from the Assets tab to add them to your emails.


In order to automate using Userled assets in sequences with many contacts, you must first have exported the assets to your CRM. Follow our guide Exporting assets to your CRM for more information.

As your sales sequences target contacts in your CRM, we recommend generating assets based on contact lists already in your CRM and exporting the assets to those contacts.

Alternatively, you can export your assets in bulk via CSV and upload them to Apollo. To do this, must have created a Userled experience based on a Contact audience and updated the contacts in your CRM with their associated Userled assets.

Once your assets are synced against the contacts in your CRM, or exported via CSV, you can follow the guide below to learn how to use these in an Salesforce sequence.

Note: If you are creating account-level experiences and syncing those to accounts in your CRM, you can still leverage account-level fields in campaigns targeting contacts.

Personalise sequences at scale

Step 1 - Create an email template

To access email templates, open the App Launcher (the 9 dots top left of the Salesforce dashboard) and search for "Email templates".

Before starting, it's good to visualise the end goal we're working towards. We recommend including multiple call to actions to would lead the user to click to open the page. In the example below, we include a hyperlink on the word Here and we render the thumbnail image. The thumbnail is also itself wrapped in a hyperlink so that if the recipient clicks on the thumbnail they will be redirected to the landing page.

Note: in this example, we also include a personalised hyperlink that mentions the organisation (Userled) and the contact's account name (Asana). This requires additional setup to associate Account level fields to Contact level fields in order to be able to add Account object merge fields in lightning email templates. You can follow guidelines in this community post for achieving this or we recommend speaking to your Salesforce admin to help you set this up.

To create an email template, you can follow this Salesforce guide. As you will be leveraging the fields created on the contact, select Contact as the related entity type.

Here is what the email template will look like. Notice how none of the merge fields are populated at this point in time therefore the recipient's first name and the landing page preview appear unpopulated. Once this template is used in a campaign for contacts enriched with Userled assets it will appear like the preview in Step 1.

To create the above template, clear the HTML Value input field, click the Source button and paste in the following custom HTML code. Be sure to replace the merge field names with the custom fields you created (see prerequisites).

<html style="overflow-y: hidden;">
<meta content="no-referrer">
<body style="height: auto; min-height: auto;">Hey {{{Recipient.FirstName}}},<br />
<br />
<a href="{{{Recipient.UserledLandingPageUrl__c}}}">Here</a>&nbsp;is a personalised landing page that I created for you.<br />
<br />
<a href="{{{Recipient.UserledLandingPageUrl__c}}}"><img alt="Landing page preview" height="225" src="{{{Recipient.UserledThumbnailUrl__c}}}" width="400" /></a></body>

Once you setup your template as you desire, click Save.

Step 2 - Create a campaign and import contacts

Creating a campaign in Salesforce and import your target contacts into your campaign. Note: make sure that those contacts have Userled assets available on their custom fields (see prerequisites).

Step 3 - Preview/test your template in your campaign

Create an email activity for your campaign and select a contact to preview your template with live data. Click the icon highlighted in the screenshot below to use the template you created in Step 1.

Click the preview icon in order to preview the template with the contact's information.

Note: We recommend enrolling yourself in the campaign and sending yourself an email to test it end to end. Make sure your contact profile has the custom fields for the Userled assets populated. When receiving the email, make sure that the thumbnail renders properly and that the hyperlinks redirect to the tailored landing page.

If everything looks as you expect, you can run your campaign.

💡 You should always validate that your contacts have the customer fields populated with assets and test your sequence by enrolling yourself in it first and send yourself an email to your inbox to validate that everything looks and works as expected.

If you have any questions, we’re here to help! Please feel free to contact us at any time via

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