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Frequently Asked Questions

Client and Resident FAQ’s
What amenities are offered with Valet Living Interactive Doorstep and Connect?
Where can I update my contact information in the Valet Living Resident app?
What days do you not service due to weather?
What are the Doorstep Collection Requirements for North Carolina?
I’m having trouble logging into the Valet Living Resident Application.
No Service Holidays
How do I submit a complaint?
Valet Living Support Business Hours
What if all my trash bags do not fit in my trash can?
I am new to the community. Do I need to set up an account with you for the trash pickup and/or the trash can to place outside my apartment?
How can I contact Valet Living?
How to Download the Valet Living Resident Application?
What if my trash was missed?
I think some of my belongings may have been mistakenly picked up from outside my door. Who should I contact about resolving this matter?
Trash Can
What is the bag size and weight limit of the bags of trash?
Pet Park Information
Who is managing your Valets?
Do you only collect trash from certain buildings on certain nights of the week?
Community staff can/container ordering for residents.
Does Valet Living offer franchise opportunities?
How do I leave a review?
How do I submit a compliment?
I need a replacement trash can.
Request a "Come Back" trash pickup request in the Valet Living Resident App
Valet Living Resident App Notification Preferences
Valet Living Resident App Terms and Conditions/Privacy Policy page
Does the Resident App support multiple languages?