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Mobile App: Invoices
Mobile App: Invoices

Perform edits to Invoices via mobile app!

Ryan Goetz avatar
Written by Ryan Goetz
Updated over a week ago

Invoices - Company Overview

The main page of the Invoices section, here you will see invoices for the client selected that meet the current View criteria.

Note: Accountant access is required to use this portion of the mobile app.

Actions On Page:

  • Scroll down: See more bills

  • Left-swipe a bill: Delete a bill

  • Drag down: Refresh invoices in this View for your Client

  • Tap Company Name: Bring up table of other Companies you can access and search functionality

  • Tap Views: Select a View created for this client, click 'Change Controls' to further define the Invoices you're viewing

  • Tap Bill: Learn more and go to the Approval Context page for the bill selected

  • Long Press on a bill: See the Change History for an invoice

  • Tap 'Scan Invoice': Ingest an invoice via your device's camera. Read the full article!


Tap the selected View in order to switch to another View or further refine what you're seeing by changing the Sort or Filter options from 'Change Controls'.

Company Views

Sort Options

Filter Options - Status

Filter Options - Invoice

Filter Options - Line Item

Invoice Details

View the invoice document, update coding, and add or delete line items.

Actions On Page:

  • Invoice Slider: Increase or decrease size of invoice document

  • Tap Company Name: Bring up table of other Companies you can access and search functionality

  • Tap Coding: Change value of selected attribute. Depending on attribute, choice may be from a searchable table.

  • Delete Line Item: Tap the 'X' at the top right of the desired line item

  • Add Line Item: Click the '+ Add Line Item' at the bottom of the Line Item Section

  • Tap Review/Unreviewed: Change the status to the other value

  • Tap 'Discuss': Feature under development, stay tuned!

Invoice - Line Item

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