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Scans List
Updated over 2 months ago

Scans List View

The Scans List displays all scan item records in the Scanning Queue. Each record represents a scanned business card.

Processed Checkbox

Each scan item record includes a Processed checkbox:

Unchecked: The record hasn’t been processed into a contact or lead.

Checked: The record has been processed into a contact or lead.

Default List Views

1. All

• Shows all processed and unprocessed scan item records that you have access to view.

2. My Cards

• Displays your unprocessed scan item records.

3. My Processed Cards

• Displays your processed scan item records.

4. Recently Viewed

• Displays scan item records you’ve recently viewed.

Note: The Recently Viewed list view is pinned by default. To filter scan item records, you can pin the My Cards, My Processed Cards, or All list views instead.

List View Filters

The My Cards, My Processed Cards, and All list views use filters to determine which records are displayed:

1. Type:

• All scan item records have the type “businessCard”. This type must be included in any custom list views to display these records.

2. Processed Checkbox:

True: The record has been processed into a contact or lead.

False: The record has not been processed.

These filters make it easy to organize and manage your scan item records.

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