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Customizing Kiosk

Understanding how to edit your Kiosk

Updated over a week ago

When you select the pencil icon to edit a kiosk layout, you'll be directed to a page where you can refine the appearance and functionality of your kiosk. Here's a straightforward guide to navigating this editing page:

Page Overview

  • Title:

    • Positioned at the top, you'll find the title of your layout, such as "Modify Default Layout."

  • Action Buttons:

    • Directly below the title are buttons for various actions:

      • Reset Defaults: Returns everything to its original state.

      • Add Button: Incorporates new buttons into your layout.

      • Add Icon: Introduces icons to enhance your design.

      • Add Label: Allows you to include descriptive labels.

  • Editable Content:

    • In the center of the page, your kiosk layout is displayed. It showcases buttons, icons, and labels that can be modified.

  • Guidance:

    • Towards the bottom, simple instructions are provided:

      • "Click on an icon or button to edit it."

  • Visual Representation:

    • At the bottom, a visual representation displays your kiosk layout on a device screen.

Editing Process

  • Click to Customize:

    • A simple click enables modifications. Examples include:

      • Altering text on buttons or labels.

      • Adjusting the arrangement of elements for optimal layout.

That's it! Easily tailor your kiosk layout to meet your desired aesthetic and functional preferences.

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