Customizing Kiosk Workflows
When you double-click a button on your kiosk, a window titled "Customize Kiosk Item" appears. This window allows you to personalize the workflows associated with that specific kiosk item. Here's a breakdown of the customization options:
Customization Window Overview
At the top is the title "Customize Kiosk Item."
The form includes the following elements:
Label: A text input field to assign a label to the kiosk item.
Fill Background: Checkbox to fill the background of the kiosk item.
Flash: Checkbox to enable flashing for attention.
Define Steps Section:
Here, you can define steps for the workflow:
Add Step Button: Allows you to add steps to the workflow.
Workflow Steps Section:
Each step consists of:
Step Number: Indicates the step number.
Search Criteria: Dropdown to choose search criteria.
If User Not Found: Dropdown to define actions if the user is not found.
Finally: Dropdown to specify the final actions.
Additional Options:
Delete Button: Allows deletion of the workflow step.
Save Button: Saves the customized workflow.
Customization Process
Label the Kiosk Item:
Input a descriptive label for the kiosk item.
Select Options:
Check "Fill Background" or "Flash" options if desired.
Define Workflow Steps:
Click "Add Step" to include steps in the workflow.
For each step, specify search criteria, actions if the user is not found, and final actions.
Finalize and Save:
Click "Save" to apply the customized workflow.
Optionally, use the "Delete" button to remove a step.
Now, you've successfully customized the workflows associated with the selected kiosk item. Make sure to save your changes for them to take effect.