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Userstanding the User Profile

Updated over a week ago

Overview: Profile Pages serve as a central hub for managing user information and interactions within the system. Explore the various features and settings available to streamline administrative tasks and enhance user engagement.

User Actions:

  1. Take Photo:

    • Capture and update user photos directly from the profile page.

  2. Trace Contact:

    • Utilize contact tracing features to track user interactions.

  3. Send Touchless:

    • Send touchless invitations directly from the user's profile page.

  4. Add to Watch List:

    • Include users in the watch list for heightened monitoring.

  5. Resend Invite Email:

    • Resend invitation emails to users for account activation.

  6. Clean User Data:

    • Initiate data cleaning processes to maintain accurate user records.

  7. Suspend User:

    • Temporarily suspend user access and permissions.

Account Details:

  • Phone Number

  • Email

  • VisitU Mobile (Check Mark):

    • Indicates whether the user has the Visitu Mobile app installed.


  • Verified Date:

    • Displays the date when the user's account was verified.

  • Created Date:

    • Shows the date when the user account was initially created.

  • Survey Status:

    • Indicates the completion status of any assigned surveys.

  • Permissions:

    • Provides an overview of the user's assigned roles and associated permissions.

Additional Features:

  • Check In/Out Users:

    • Conveniently check in and out users directly from their profile pages.

  • Record Attendance:

    • Capture and manage attendance records for users.

Latest Visits:

  • Displays the most recent user visits.

    • Time In

    • Time Out

    • Length

    • Reason or Host

    • Additional Info

    • Actions:

      • Edit

      • Delete

User Surveys:

  • Lists any surveys assigned to the user.


  • Provides details about user attendance.

    • Type

    • Reason

    • Date

    • Excused

    • Created by

    • Confirmed by

    • Actions:

      • Edit

      • Delete

User Students:

  • Displays the names and relations of students associated with the user.


  • Shows the user's QR code for quick check-in.

    • Actions:

      • Download

      • Send via MMS

      • Revoke

User Documents:

  • Presents signed documents with timestamps.

    • Actions:

      • Delete

      • Download

User Activity:

  • Logs the user's check-in and check-out history.

Edit User:

  • Modify user information.

    • Fields:

      • Name

      • Email

      • Phone

      • Birthday

      • Address

      • Photo

      • Roles

      • Send emails in addition to mobile notifications

      • Send text messages regardless of whether the user has Visitu Mobile

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