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SSM Mass supplier users onboarding
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a year ago

Learn how to enhance sustainable collaboration with multiple suppliers using the mass user onboarding functionality. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough for permitted users to efficiently upload bulk user data, automating user creation, invitation sending, and role assignment in a single step.

Important: This capability is restricted to Organisation Admins and Sustainability Admins, for more information check our guide about higher-level permissions.

How it works

  1. Navigate to an existing Programme

  2. Access the Suppliers tab. You will see a list of the onboarded suppliers and can click "Add supplier users" to add multiple users at the same time.

3. This will open a modal in which you can download a ready-made template and upload the completed file.

4. The .csv template from Vizibl contains 5 headed columns which need populated with user data.

5. Below, are some guidelines for how each column should be filled out:

  • Supplier = The supplier's name i.e Amazon / Microsoft / Acme

  • User Name = The user's name, i,e John Smith

  • User Email = The user's email

  • Send Invite = The only values allowed here are Yes and No. Adding the former will trigger an invite to the user to register on Vizibl, whereas the latter will put them in a "Pending" and they can have their invite triggered at a later time from the Admin > Suppliers section.

  • Profile role = The only permitted roles are Supplier Profile Viewer or Supplier Profile Manager.

Completely new users who have not yet signed up to Vizibl can be added to a supplier profile and supplier company this way. The ‘Send Invite’ column has no effect if the user is already a member of Vizibl. If the user inputs a supplier user in the CSV who is already part of the inputted supplier profile with the inputted role, this is skipped in the CSV.

If the user inputs a supplier user in the CSV who is already part of the inputted supplier profile but has a different role than the one inputted in the CSV, the supplier user’s role is updated to reflect the change (this includes the same user being added to the same supplier profile twice with different roles in the same CSV).

6. Once the file is uploaded, after a few moments, a notification will be triggered with a short summary about the export (number of successes, errors)

7. Should there be any errors on the import, clicking on the notification will open up a page from which you can download a detailed error report.

There are a few reasons why an import might fail, for example:

- attempting to add a user to a supplier profile that is not part of the programme for which you are onboarding.
- attempting to add a user that belongs to a different supplier company, to a supplier profile in the programme, e.g. adding a Microsoft user to an Amazon supplier profile.
- Invalid email addresses/role/send invite inputs.

8. Lastly, the import will be in the Sustainability ‘Data’ tab and the log can also be downloaded there when the upload is completed.

As users delve into the streamlined user upload feature in Vizibl SSM, they now possess the capability to effortlessly manage users across multiple supplier profiles with a single CSV upload. The consolidation of automated approval and invitation processes into one step ensures that collaboration reaches new levels of seamlessness. This guide aims to empower users to optimize the platform, facilitating efficient user management and elevating collaborative endeavors. For any further inquiries or assistance, the support team stands ready.

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