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Account Plan
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Configuring the Relationship and setting up a Vizibl Account Plan should be a prerequisite for any relationship to work collaboratively towards joint business outcomes. Every relationship on Vizibl has a dedicated area that can be jointly managed between the customer and the supplier.

The Account Plan area lists and describes both parties’ interests through the formal documentation of the values, behaviours and strategic orientations which govern a specific business relationship. This unites all users around shared goals and social norms. It includes 5 key components:

  1. A Shared Vision

  2. Account Plan Project

  3. Strategic Objectives

  4. Guiding Principles

  5. Intended Behaviours

To configure the setup for your company, navigate to the Company Settings of this company in the Admin section and select Account Plan:

From the next screen, you can manage Strategic Objectives, Guiding Principles and Intended Behaviours:

First make sure you are on the right component tab (Strategic Objectives, Guiding Principles or Intended Behaviours) then hit Create New:

You can also import any components already created from the Company Library via Add From Library:

You can now set up or manage the Account Plan for any relationship.

Shared Vision
The Vision statement defines the relationship's purpose, focusing on its goals and aspirations. The statement should be unique, memorable and personal to the relationship. It should inspire the whole team.

Account Plan Project
This project is a strategic workspace and a one-stop shop to manage, store and keep track of all key relationship activities that are focused on the delivery of the vision and objectives of the relationship. With this project, you can track and manage alignment within the specific relationship.

Strategic Objectives
Relationship objectives are one of the fundamental building blocks of your account plan. They should articulate what the relationship needs to focus on and should always be measurable. These are defined on an organisational or company level in the admin section and the descriptions can be customised for each individual relationship.

Guiding Principles
The principles you want both sides of the relationship to adhere to. Committing these to writing will help keep everyone honest and confident in their approach to the goals and objectives.

Intended Behaviours
It can be important to outline the approach all team members are encouraged to adopt when working towards the goals and objectives. Being upfront with your expectations will help work progress smoothly and avoid friction.

When you're ready to begin, navigate to the intended relationship and select which area you want to manage, as shown below. All the components you configured in the admin section will be available for selection here.

Don't forget to hit Save!

Linking projects to strategic objectives

When a relationship's account plan has been configured, you have the ability to link all projects in that relationship to the strategic objectives. Admins have the option to edit any existing projects and link them to their corresponding objective. Anyone who creates a new project in the relationship is given the option to link their project to a strategic objective.

Linking projects directly to the business objectives set out within the relationship will empower teams, giving them confidence that their hard work and investment is aligned to what the company is trying to achieve.

Once everything is in place, you now have a vibrant and interactive account plan that the whole relationship can align behind:

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