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The Sustainability Overview Page
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

When you first enter the Supplier Sustainable Module, you will directly have access to your Sustainability Overview. This overview will give you many useful key information about your suppliers and their sustainable engagement.

On this page, you will be able to see the following information for each specific year (by default, the current year is showing):

  • the percentage of suppliers disclosing on CDP

  • the total Emissions reported by the suppliers

  • the percentage of suppliers committed to SBTi or has any target sets

  • the supplier emissions by the calculation method

  • the total spend of your organisation to your suppliers integrated into Vizib

You can navigate through the years to see the progress of your suppliers in their Sustainability journey over time by clicking and choosing the specific year you want to see the data for.

The first section of the screen will show you the sustainable data at a global level of the suppliers you have onboarded in Vizibl:

The second section of the screen will show you in detail the sustainable data at a supplier individual level. When you change the date of the Sustainable Overview the data of each supplier will be updated to show the corresponding commitment of this specific timeline.

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