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How does the Queue work?

To learn about sending actions to your prospects from the queue, you're in the right place! 😎

Updated over 3 months ago

What is the Queue on Waalaxy?

When you launch a campaign on Waalaxy, your planned actions (such as sending invitations, messages, follow-ups, or profile visits) are queued for execution.

The queue ensures these actions are executed on LinkedIn while simulating human behavior, including semi-random delays between actions and adherence to daily quotas.

You can access your queue by navigating to Campaigns > Queue.

How are the actions executed?

Upon starting a campaign, actions from the first step of the sequence are placed in the queue and executed gradually.

Here are the approximate times between actions:

  • Profile visits: 1 minute

  • Profile follows: 1 minute

  • Connection requests: 2 minutes 30 seconds

  • Messages: 2 minutes 30 seconds

On which system are the actions sent?

The queue operates on a “First In, First Out” (FIFO) basis, according to your daily quotas.

This means the first action queued will be executed first, unless you have used up your quotas for that specific action.

💡 Good to know
You can run multiple campaigns simultaneously, but all actions share the same queue.

  • If your campaigns send the same type of actions, they will take longer to process.

  • By default, the campaign created first has higher priority in the queue.

☝️ Example

  • You launch your first campaign with 500 profile visits.

  • Then, you launch a second campaign with 300 invitations.

  • Waalaxy will initially execute between 90 and 110 profile visits, depending on your daily quotas. Once your quotas are reached, it will proceed to execute invitations according to your daily quotas (and LinkedIn's quota of 200 invitations per week).

  • The following day, the quotas reset, and the cycle continues. 🌀

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