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FAQ - Waalaxy Campaign
Updated over a month ago

Waalaxy imports

Does adding prospects to my list add them to the campaign?

Importing new prospects into your list does not automatically add them to a campaign.

You can add the missing ones from your list with a few clicks 💡

There's no need to manually sort through those already in the campaign, only the missing ones will be added if you select the entire list 👽

Run a campaign

What are the other methods to launch a campaign?

Launch a campaign from the Campaigns tab

  1. From the “Campaigns” section, click on “Start a campaign”.

  2. Select a sequence to create your campaign.

Launch a Campaign from a LinkedIn Import

  1. From the “Campaigns” section, click on “Start a campaign”.

  2. Select a sequence.

  3. From “Add prospects”, click on “From LinkedIn”.

  4. Once your LinkedIn tab is open, do your search and launch your import from the import modal.

Launch an import from LinkedIn

  1. Conduct a LinkedIn search.

  2. From the import modal, click on “Confirm” to launch the import.

  3. Click on “New campaign”, then on “Start a new campaign”.

  4. Choose a sequence and complete the steps to create your campaign, ending with "Launch my campaign" step.

How can I prioritize a campaign?

Sometimes, you launch a first campaign, then a second campaign. But you realise that you want to prioritize the actions of your second campaign in your queue.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Launch the campaign you wish to prioritize.

  • Pause the campaign, then replay the campaigns you want to run subsequently. This will requeue the actions, ensuring they are executed afterwards.

Can I run two campaigns at the same time?

You can run multiple campaigns simultaneously, but keep in mind that all actions share the same queue.

  • This means if your campaigns send the same type of actions, they will take longer to process.

  • By default, the campaign created first has higher priority in the queue.

💡 Good to know

The queue operates on a “First In, First Out” (FIFO) basis, according to your daily quotas.

This means that the first action queued will be executed first (unless you have used up your quotas for that specific action).

⚠️ It is not possible to allocate a quota per campaign or per type of action within a campaign.

Edit a campaign

How to add prospects in a running campaign?

You can add prospects to a campaign after its launch.

Once your campaign is launched, the actions will be added to the queue and processed within the specified timeframe. 🤗

Can I edit a sequence?

No, it is not possible to edit an existing sequence by adding, removing, or replacing an action.

Additionally, you cannot modify a sequence that is already being used in a created campaign. This means you cannot add extra steps or remove any of the planned steps.

Edit a delay

Can I edit the delays of a running campaign?

We do not allow editing delays in a campaign in progress or in pause.

Indeed, this could create issues for prospects who have already exceeded the current deadline.

➡️ If you want to edit those delays, you will have to create a new campaign and set this up before launching it.

What’s happen when I set a delay to “0 days”?

When you set a delay to "0 days," it corresponds to a random delay between 0 and 2 hours.

  • Our system checks every two hours to see if the condition is met to move prospects to the next step.

  • This does not mean the action will be sent within 0 to 2 hours, but rather that the action will be queued within 0 to 2 hours after the information is retrieved. 😉

Add a note or edit a message

Why can't I add a note to my campaign?

As a result, Waalaxy now prevents free LinkedIn users from creating campaigns with notes to avoid compatibility issues with your subscription level. This ensures your campaigns function correctly.

💡 Good to know

This option will be reactivated if you subscribe to LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator, or Recruiter Lite. 👽

What happens if I edit a message in a current campaign?

When you edit a message (or a connection note or email) in a running campaign, only prospects who have not yet received it will receive the updated message.

Handle/Manage my prospects

How to withdraw pending invitations?

To withdraw your pending invites, hit the 🗑️ button right under your profile picture, on the Homepage. You will get to choose a date and remove all the invitations older than that.

Afterwards, if you want to invite these people again, you have to wait three weeks (LinkedIn sets this minimum time limit), and then update the status of your leads in Waalaxy so that they appear again as “Not connected”. The status is updated via the “refresh” button in the lead profile, or during a profile visit that you can automate with a campaign. 🤖

If my prospects reply, will they receive the next message or email?

If you get a reply from a prospect in response to any of your notes, messages, or emails, he will be removed from this campaign and no longer receive any more messages as part of this sequence.

Your prospect's state may be :

  1. Interested: The prospect seems favourable to your proposal.

  2. Not interested: The prospect expresses disinterest or a refusal.

💡 Good to know

  • A prospect who has finished the campaign doesn’t appear as “ongoing” or “postponed” anymore.

  • Even if a prospect has replied and exited your campaign, you can still see them displayed in your campaign. This allows you to keep a history and know the last action he received and the step at which he finished the campaign.

Can I have one prospect in two campaigns at the same time?

One prospect can't be in two running campaigns at once. So if one prospect is already in another campaign, it won't be possible to add them into another one ➡️ Waalaxy will automatically sort it out.

Handle/Manage my campaigns

Can I duplicate a campaign?

You can't directly duplicate a campaign. However, you can create a new one using the same sequence template and messages, which are all saved automatically.

Can I unarchive a campaign?

No, archiving a campaign is definitive. You need to create a new one.

All your message templates are automatically saved, so this shouldn't take too long.

💡 Good to know

Since all your message templates are saved automatically, setting up a new campaign shouldn't take too long.

Emailing campaign

Can I add my signature in my email?

Waalaxy doesn't use the automatic signature you have set up on your email.

🤓 Additonnal information

On a side note, it is not recommended to inject HTML when launching cold email campaigns, as this affects the deliverability rate of your emails. It is better to integrate your signature directly with text, emojis, and possibly a link (make sure to use https:// and not http://).

Can I add an attachment to my email?

No, it’s not possible to add attachments to an email at the moment.

Solution: You can host the attachment on Google Drive (free) and include the URL to access it in your email. 🤓

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