Two-Way Texting FAQ
Updated over a week ago

We're eager to set up instant two-way texting for you, and to make that happen, there are a few requirements we need to address first. One of these involves registering your phone number, and don't worry – we'll take care of this process for you.

Let's dive into how The Campaign Registry comes into play and how Walla handles everything to ensure your texting feature is up and running as swiftly as possible!

What is a segment?

A segment is approximately 153 characters. This includes letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. Emojis can increase the character count.

Do incoming and outgoing texts count as segments?

Only outgoing text messages count towards segment usage.

How much am I charged if I go over 5000 segments?

You will be charged $0.0045 per additional segment.

Why the Wait for Two-Way Texting Activation?

Mobile carriers introduced a policy requiring registration through The Campaign Registry for businesses using 10-digit long code numbers (10DLC) for text messaging campaigns. This ensures a secure and positive consumer experience and prevents potential challenges like escalated fees or message blocking.

What is The Campaign Registry?

The Campaign Registry (TCR) is a national registry for businesses using 10-digit long code numbers in text messaging campaigns. It verifies businesses, assigns trust scores to registered numbers, and improves message delivery.

Why is having my phone number registered important?

Registration with TCR increases delivery rates and throughput for text messages, benefiting both businesses and consumers.

How does the registration process work?

Your onboarding lead or Walla support team member facilitates the submission of your phone number to TCR, ensuring a correct and swift registration process.

Considerations for Marketing Suite or Inbox Users

Unapproved phone numbers will prevent text message transmission. Email components of combined automations will still be dispatched.

How do I know my number has been approved and texting is live?

You will receive an email notification once your phone number is approved, and two-way texting is activated.

Can I customize or choose my phone number?

Phone numbers are assigned by The Campaign Registry, with preference given to numbers with the same area code as your studio.

How long does it take to have my number approved by The Campaign Registry?

Due to a surge in requests, approval can take 1 to 2+ weeks.

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