Contacts Page
Updated over a week ago

Easily access studio contacts from the main navigation toolbar. From viewing total visits to sending Messages, the contacts tab has multiple uses! The Contacts Center Export has MANY additional extremely useful data points and unique client information that is found ONLY in the export.

​In this article

  • Contacts Page Overview

  • Send a Message to Select Clients

  • Send a Message to All Clients

  • Message Sending Criteria: Inbox vs. Two-Way Texting

  • Export Contacts CSV Data

  • Other Client Actions: Merge, Deactivate, Delete, Tag, Message

Contacts Page Overview

Below we have some definitions for the various components in the Contacts tab.


Tags are created under the Tag section of the Contacts Center. Filter clients by the tags you created.

Home Studio

Home studio is set by the client or staff member. To set a client’s home studio as a staff member, visit the More Info section under the Profile tab of the client’s profile. Clients can also set their home studio via the widget.

Marketing Opt-In

Filter by either SMS or email marketing opt-in status.

Number of visits

These are total visits that include classes check-ins, enrollments check-ins, appointments settle ups from all time. Filter by minimum number of visits and maximum number of visits.

More Filtering Options


Active: Client has had a visit (Classes, Enrollments, Appointment, or historical bookings) within the last 90 days

Inactive: Client has not had a visit (Classes, Enrollments, Appointment, or historical bookings) between 1 year to 90 days OR has not purchased a plan between the last 1 year to 90 days. They will become active again if they have a visit or purchase within those parameters.

Lost: Client has had a visit (Classes, Enrollments, Appointment, or historical bookings) over a year ago OR has purchased a plan over a year ago

Account Created: Clients who created a profile via your website widget but have not purchased a plan, drop-in, enrollment, appointment, or video course. Typically you will see clients who have only purchased a retail item, purchased a gift card, booked using only a guest pass, booked only via ClassPass and/or have booked using only a comp pass. Clients without purchase activity will have the status Account Created.

Deactivated: Clients manually deactivated will appear under the deactivated filter. Clients can be deactivated directly via the client profile Actions button.

Birthday: Filter by client birthdates

Members Only: Clients who have an active member status

Guest Only: Guest status is removed once the client purchases a plan, drop-in, enrollment, appointment, or video course.

Retail Only: Retail status is removed once the client purchases a plan, drop-in, enrollment, appointment, or video course.

If a client has purchased a gift card and has purchased a retail item, then they will have multiple badges.

Send a Message to Select Clients

To send a message to select clients, follow these steps.

  1. On the far left of each contact there is a checkbox. Check one or more contacts to select clients you'd like to message

  2. Select the forward arrow at the bottom of the page to go to more clients and the clients will be added to the list of selected clients as you check the boxes next to their name

  3. Select Actions on the top right of the contacts page

  4. Choose Message Selected

Send a Message to All Clients

In order to reduce the likelihood of emails bouncing and to respect your client's opt in choice, filter by Marketing Opt-in Preference first. You must select clients in order to message clients.

To send a message to ALL clients, follow these steps

  1. At the top of the Contacts list select the checkbox at the top left of the Contacts List header to select all clients on a page

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and select the forward arrow to progress to the next page of clients

  3. Select the same checkbox at the top left of the Contacts List header to add all clients on the new page to the total clients selected

  4. Repeat these steps until you've selected all clients

  5. Select Actions on the top right

  6. Choose Message All clients

Message Sending Criteria: Inbox vs. Two-Way Texting

If you have Inbox, Walla’s two-way texting feature: Your message will always send as an email and as a text message. The client’s marketing opt-in status is not looked at when sending messages via the contacts page, so it does not matter if the client is or is not opted-in to marketing SMS and emails.

If you do not have Inbox, Walla’s two-way texting feature:
Your message will send as an email and will not send as a text message.

In order for a client to receive a text message via the Message feature:
They need to be opted into Two-way Texting*
They do not need to be opted into SMS Marketing Updates
They do not need to be opted into SMS Transactional Updates

In order for a client to receive an email via the Message feature:
They do not need to be opted into email Marketing Updates
They do not need to be opted into email Transactional Updates
In other words, they will always receive a text

*Two-way texting is an add on feature that is included in Walla’s Tier Two subscription level or can be added on a la carte.

Email to learn more about adding Inbox two-way texting to your Walla subscription!

Export Contacts CSV Data

The data points collected including client demographics, communication preferences, and activity history, enable you to create custom spreadsheet reporting outside of Walla. The CSV export includes the following datapoints:

  • Record ID

  • Status

  • Client First Name

  • Client Last Name

  • Client Email

  • Birthdate

  • Account Balance

  • Address 1

  • Address 2

  • City

  • State

  • Zipcode

  • Home Studio

  • Phone Number

  • Phone Number Type

  • Total Visits

  • Marketing Email Opt In

  • Push Notifications Opt In

  • Transactional Email Opt In

  • Text Opt In

  • Created At

  • Last Activity

To export the contacts to a CSV:

  1. From the main navigation menu select Contacts

  2. Choose Export on the top right corner of the page

  3. Import contacts into Excel or Google Sheets

Other Client Actions: Merge, Deactivate, Delete, Tag, Message

Select the the dots to the far right of a client profile to merge client profiles, asssign tags to the client, delete, or deactivate a client.

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