Walla Branded App FAQ
Updated over a week ago

Do I need a developer account for each of my multiple locations?

No, you'll only need a single developer account, regardless of whether you're a single business, a multi-location business, or a franchise. Each of your business locations can be added to the same app under this single developer account. This simplifies the process and streamlines management.

Why do I have to pay for the Apple Developer Account?

To launch your branded mobile app on Apple devices, you are required to enroll as an Apple developer. This is because Apple maintains strict control over the apps available on their platform, and enrollment ensures that your app meets their quality and security standards.

How can my clients download my Branded App?

Once your branded app is published and live, your clients can easily find and download it. They can search for your business name in the App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices. This makes it convenient for your clients to access your services.

What actions can my clients perform within the app?

Your clients will have the same capabilities in your branded app as they currently do in the Walla app. This includes accessing the features and functionalities they are familiar with.

Can clients create a login with the Branded App?

Yes, your clients can create an account directly from the login screen of the branded app. This login can also be used on the widget, providing a seamless and unified experience for your clients across all platforms.

Can I remove my business from being listed on the Walla App?

Currently, it's not possible to remove your business from the Walla app. Your business will still be listed within the Walla app. However, this ensures that your existing and potential clients can still book your services.

How much can I edit or personalize my app?

You will have the ability to customize and personalize your app to align with your brand. You can send us your logo and branding color preferences, allowing you to maintain a consistent and cohesive brand identity within the app.

How do I send a push notification to the Branded App?

Sending push notifications to the branded app is as straightforward as sending them via the Walla app today. This feature enables you to engage with your clients and keep them informed about your services and updates.

How can I tell if a client booked using the Branded App?

We are in the process of updating the client profile to include information about the app from which a client made a booking. This will provide you with valuable insights and help you track the source of bookings more effectively.

How long does the process take before my app is live?

The timeline for making your app live may vary depending on the speed of the onboarding process. While we estimate it to take approximately 1 month, it's important to note that the final approval from platforms like Google and Apple is beyond our control and can impact the timeline.

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