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All CollectionsMarketing SuiteJourney and Audience Builds
Audiences Build: Client Purchased a Specific Plan
Audiences Build: Client Purchased a Specific Plan
Updated over a week ago

In this article we focus on clients who have recently purchased specific plans and explain how timeframe plays an important factor when you create an Audience just as a list (not used in an automation) and when you create an Audience to be used in an automation.

Who qualifies: A client who purchased a specific plan today. The client could have visited here before and/or have another plan previously or currently active.

Class Plan Started + Check-ins

Find Contacts who have started a plan at a specific time and filter by whether they've used it or not.

Plans: Specific Plan

Start time frame: Exactly 0 days ago

Usage: Doesn't matter if used

Why Not Recommended Info Audience List:: This will list all clients who bought the specific plan today (and only today). Since Automations check for qualifying clients every 24 hours, you would need to check or download the list everyday to see who qualifies.

Why It Works for Automations: Audiences within automations scan for qualifying clients every hour. Since this lists all clients who bought a specific plan today, this set up is great because it acts as a targeted trigger and will send to the client as soon as the plan is purchased.

How we recommend setting up your Audience if you want to use this as a list and not add it to an automation: You want to expand your Start time frame parameters to something more like Within the last and including 30, 60, 90 days.

Sends an automation to a client the day they purchased a plan. The client could have visited here before and/or have another plan previously or currently active.

Who qualifies: A client who purchased a specific plan in the last 30 days. The client could have visited here before and/or have another plan previously or currently active.

Class Plan Started + Check-ins

Find Contacts who have started a plan at a specific time and filter by whether they've used it or not.

Plans: Specific Plan

Start time frame: Within the last and including 30 days

Usage: Doesn't matter if used

Keep in mind that in the above example, if someone purchased the plan 31 days ago, then they would not be included on the list once it is day 31. This is because the list updates and looks for clients who qualify every 24 hours. Again, this is an example Audience that lives as a list under Audiences and is not used in an automation.

What we mean by just use as a list:

  1. Go to the main navigation menu and select Audiences

  2. Create an Audience

  3. Only keep Audience for checking, messaging, or downloading on an regular basis– don't use it for automations in the Marketing Center

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