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Understand Staff Roles and Permissions in Walla
Updated over a week ago

When adding a new staff member in Walla, you can decide what type of permissions they have based on their role under their Staff Profile.

Assign Staff Permissions

When you add a new staff member to the software, you will choose their Staff Permissions. To add or edit staff permissions, please follow these steps:

  1. From the main navigation menu select Staff Center

  2. Choose Staff

  3. Select the staff member profile you want to edit

  4. Select the Sensitive Info tab

  5. Choose the edit pencil in the box titled Permissions

  6. Select a permission group to assign to the staff member

  7. Save

If you have multiple locations you can also assign permissions based on location. For example, if you have a staff member that is an instructor at one location but works the front desk and teaches at another location, you can customize different permissions based on needs.

No Access Permission

If you do not want to allow your staff member to log in to Walla, but you want to be able to schedule them for services you can use the No Access Permission group.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Staff Center

  2. Choose Staff

  3. Select the staff member profile you want to edit

  4. Select the Sensitive Info tab

  5. Choose the edit pencil in the box titled Permissions

  6. Select the No Access permission group

  7. Remove all other assigned permission groups

  8. Save

Staff Permission Groups

Every staff member has a permission group assigned, and your user group determines your ability to perform a function in the software. Software access is divided into seven permission groups and six of the seven roles have customizable settings.

  • Owner

  • Business Manager

  • Manager

  • Location Manager

  • Instructor

  • Front Staff

  • No Access (Is pre-set and not customizable)

☝️Important Things to Know About Staff Roles and Permissions in Walla

Can there be more than one user listed as the Owner under Business Settings?

Only one login can be designated as the owner with access to Company Info. Giving the husband Business Manager permissions would provide him with a similar level of access, except for Company Info.

How do I immediately remove access to Walla for a staff member?

If you need to remove access and log a staff member out of Walla you can change their staff permission level to No Access.

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